I just welcomed "Azant" to my Mara family of pets!
15 years, 9 months & 21 days ago
25th Mar 2009 21:21 I was sooooo excited!! I think the Arinya's are soooo cute!! I love Kangaroos and was so anxious to get one when I first seen they had made a kangaroo pet.
The other day I entered a dream pet contest and was one of the lucky winners!!
I will costume him as soon as I can in a cowboy costume since I love that cossie.
I just received a great big surprise from a member who out of the blue just sent me a cowboy cossie for him!!!! Isn't he just so very cute?!!!
How awesome it is to have such nice people on here who have such big hearts!
I am not going to disclose the user name who sent it but you know who you are and I thank you so very very much!!!