15 years, 10 months & 1 day ago
14th Mar 2009 16:02 Hey call me Morgan or Morgy. I love the books Twighlight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. I am obsesed with anthing about twilight. I also love the Warriors the new prophicy books 1 and 2, I didnt read the others yet. (btw I'm not the best speller ) I want to read the original serries and the rest of the new prophicy books. I have the movie Twilight. Oh and if you want to learn more about the Warriors books, go to www.worriorcats.com. There are also some games on there. Once in a while I like some mail. I will mail you back whenever I can. I wont visit this site ever day so don't get mad if I haven't mailed you back yet. Please be patient. I wont always acept friend requests. Thanks for reading, if you have any questions for me I'll awnser best I can. BYE!!!
P.S. I have a real friend I know on here, her user name is twilightlover545.