This writing touched my heart, mind, and soul like...aaaaaaaaaa
And, I prayed right out loud,
as honest and compassionate tears came to my eyes...
"Oh, Lord God have mercy."
The disease of alcoholism ...
Yet there is a force for good in this world that lots of people simply call God, Higher Power, Creative Intelligence...
That "Power and Spirit" helped save my life and the life of my child...directed me to the people, prayers, understanding, kindness and 12 Steps and 12 Traditions of
Al-Anon Family Groups...helped me to understand and learn "detachment with love"...
and sometimes...just doing everything possible to get the children and self to safety
is the definite best thing to do.
I don't know what else to say here...just that there is HOPE,
and beyond all else The Love and Power and Grace of God works through shield the innocent, and to help people to help each other.
This, I believe.