Pets I have had
8 years, 3 months & 11 days ago
2nd Oct 2016 21:34 As of the 2023, these are the pets I know I have had, and the costumes they were when I had them:
*Overwhelmed - Daylight Kidlet
*Bumblebeess (x2)- Yellow Fasoro, Rainbow Equilor
Psammetichus- Pampered Fasoro
Danoodle- Polar Leido
De5tiel- Shaved Kaala
#*Caloboza(x2)- Calico Kaala, Purple Gonk
*RadioAktive- Splatter Renat
PieMonster- FrostFire Pauffuto
#*aAustralian- Australian Doyle
*Chaleesi- Valentine Pauffuto
*Cisei- Splatter Fasoro
*Zazzera- Sparkle Knutt
#*Vaffancula- Earthfairy Renat
Liviebelle- Calico Equilor
#*Staibene- Dark Daisy
*Anedafia- Daylight Troit
Peie- Icefairy Daisy
*IcieHot - Yellow Spiero
*= I made this one
#= It no longer exists?