levi finished the drawing and put his things in his room then teleported in to the kitchen "i'm back" levi anounced "um jack wake up your asleep at the table" levi said giving jack a slight shake
116 years & 2 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 23:11
Jack nodded off silently and fell asleep on the table with a half finished peice of toast in his hand.
116 years & 2 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 23:01
I blushed, and laughed. "Thanks?"
116 years & 2 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 22:56
levi knew he wouldn't walk so he just teleported to where he wantd to be and that was the river. he sat down with a sketch book and water colors and started to paint what he seen.
ooc: he will come back don't worry
116 years & 2 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 22:55
ooc: Lol.
bic: Stel popped more pancakes in there as she took hers out and sprayed it with a lot of whip cream. She looked at Dawn. "This is good. You're a really good cook." Stel then settled down and looked over at Jack, who was nibbling on toast.
116 years & 2 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 22:54
ooc// Lol Gigglemagic. Lol.
116 years & 2 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 22:52
OOC: this time your character better come back rofl, the last time, your character went for a walk she never returned lol....plllzzzzz don't makehim leave for good rofl
116 years & 2 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 22:50
"Hey Stel, can you make me some pancakes while your at it????Okay, see you later Levi." Ivy waved to Levi, hoping he would return, the last person who went for a walk never came back..... She let out a sigh as Levi walked out the door.
116 years & 2 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 22:49
I jumped, and then laughed. "Ok, see you in a while Levi," I said smiling as I helped Ivy and Stel with the eggs and bacon. I laughed once more as they forked it down so fast. "Slow down! You'll hurt yourselves!" I teased.