Jack snuffled a little and looked up bleary eyed. "Good morning."
116 years & 2 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 23:16
ooc: Well I couldn't find another kitchen. I'm actually imagining a really small kitchen, like a 15x15 room, with a stove, counters rimming the rooms, and a fridge with cabinets on top and a microwave, and a pantry on the wall.
116 years & 2 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 23:15
Ivy looked up, and to her second delight, Levi was back. "Hey!" She said to Levi, she then looked at JAck gave him a little tap on the head, then sent a thought to his mind (ummmm Jack, your slipping in your food, with more food in your hand! She laughed.
116 years & 2 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 23:15
Stel stared at the table. Ivy was looking at her delicious plate of food, and Jack was sleeping with toast in his hand. It reminded her of her family's Saturday mornings.
116 years & 2 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 23:13
ooc// Wooow. That pic you got with the kitchen background...we gotta nice kitchen! XD
116 years & 2 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 23:13
I screamed as Levi appeared. I clutched my heart and said, "Omigosh, don't DO that! That FREAKS me out!"
116 years & 2 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 23:12
Stel ran out the kitchen door, and ran back in, all changed for a day of doing nothing and staying at the circus grounds.
OOC: lol okay good, what its just every time Ivy picks a guy he ends up leaving and never comes back..........
BIC: Ivy dug drenched her pancakes in whip cream and strawberries. She stared at the stack of pancakes, plate of eggs, and pile of pancakes, with delight.