115 years, 11 months & 22 days ago 6th Mar 2009 15:26
ooc:im fine it's saturday over here and it's a long weekend bic: levi seen what happened 'go stel' he thought Carissa needed to be taught a lesson.
115 years, 11 months & 22 days ago 6th Mar 2009 15:18
ooc: Hi. I have a short school day and softball practice later. I have a confirmed 4.0 GPA this trimester, and all's good. You?
bic; Stel blinked as the horns started honking at her. She nearly swerved off the road as she snapped back to life. She was thinking about Carissa. She wouldn't take what she did to her uncle. Some part of his heart longed for Carissa, not Dani (his wife), because of her antics. Stel sighed and sped up. She was driving too slow for the highway. She continued on towards Canada.
115 years, 11 months & 22 days ago 6th Mar 2009 15:12
ooc: hi zoyce how are you
115 years, 11 months & 22 days ago 6th Mar 2009 14:58
ooc: And sorry for the quintuple post but I have a lotta of ideas I need to get out. Let's just say this one time, since Stel just evolved and isn't as skilled, the concrete COULD be ripped off by vines. But just that once.
115 years, 11 months & 22 days ago 6th Mar 2009 14:48
ooc: In the end, can Stel expose her as evil? And Jack really doesn't care for her, right? And you guys do realize that part of her throat is still stone, right? Because Ivy can heal the injuries, but not the magical ones from Stel's power.
115 years, 11 months & 22 days ago 6th Mar 2009 14:47
ooc: Ok. I have school. So now I gotta go. I'll be on around 2:20-4:00 pacific time later today. Then I have softball practice. Then I'll be on again from anywhere between 7:30-8:30 pacific time.
115 years, 11 months & 23 days ago 6th Mar 2009 07:44
ooc; And not only should vines not be able to just 'tear' cement, why the hell are you helping her? Jack, that's understandable, but surely Ivy has a women's intuition?
115 years, 11 months & 23 days ago 6th Mar 2009 07:41
ooc: Not fair. Vine's shouldn't be strong enough to just 'tear' off the cement.
bic; Stel didn't want to go back and tell Jack everything. He thought SHE was being rude. HA! What about Carissa? Coming here and invading her world. Stel scribbled down a letter: Dear Jack, Yes, I know it was a bit rude to attack Carissa. But you don't know her like I do. She was a training with my uncle- just a year ago. I don't even think she's a certified doctor yet. Well, before that, she was many things. Most of which involved taking money in the easiest way. The things she did to my uncle, I will never forgive. Aunt Dani almost killed her because Carissa was trying to pry them apart. She hasn't evolved yet. But she was born with strong powers. She is very arrogant, and she will destroy you. If possible, you will become her pet. I read her mind before I evolved. She intends to make you love her, no matter what happens. I discovered my new power. With enough power built up within me, my mind reading can become mind influencing. I don't know how it works yet though, but it may be enough for your sake. Be careful around Carissa. And warn her that the next time she crosses me, she will die. Forever yours, Stel*
Stel kept one eye on the rode as she sealed the letter and gave it to a messenger pigeon that had just hopped out of her purse. "Give this to Jack, but wait until Carissa is gone." she whispered. The bird flew off.
115 years, 11 months & 23 days ago 6th Mar 2009 07:37
OOC: My last post Ivy saw everything that happened, With the flick of her wrists, vines tore apart the cement. The barbie girl slipped onto the ground, and with another flick of her wrists more vines were sent over to heal her.
"Jack can we talk!" Ivy wanted to talk to him about the situation.
115 years, 11 months & 23 days ago 6th Mar 2009 00:06