ooc; If I insult anything in Carissa's point of view, it's just Carissa talking. That's it.
Carissa glared outside. This was not going how she planned. She was supposed to be at a restaurant with Jack, taking over his mind. She grabbed the ugly dress and ripped it up with her sharp fingers. She glared at Nick, who was laughing at her as she opened the door and flung the pieced of fabric out.
Carissa took out a dress labeled 'do not touch'. It was beautiful, black, and sparkly. There seemed to be real rubies sewn on the straps. Carissa put that on and wiped her own muddy dress on Kay's white bed. She then dried off her glittering silver sandals and cleansed her face. After she was all barbie-looking again, she stole the makeup and put it in her purse.