Carissa's nose started bleeding. "-censored-you, you-censored again--censored once more-! I don't care of this is your mother's dress. You little goons destroyed my other dress, so I destroyed yours, as well as your rooms, and I'm taking this dress with me! It's beautiful and it's mine. Go cry to your dead mother. There's no way you're getting this back!"
Stel started transforming again. No one talked like that to her family. Her eyes glowed red. She turned Carissa's lips to stone, so she couldn't talk. She turned her fingers to stone so she could rip up anything. And she turned her legs to stone so she couldn't move. "That's it! You -censored--censored-! I'm going to kill you..." She was partially demented. Everything Carissa had ever done to her and her family turned up in her head now and gave her fury. She took a step towards Carissa.