Guide to Starting Marapets.
15 years, 10 months & 28 days ago
16th Feb 2009 20:19 [Note: I realize I might be a little too new to be writing this, but I really have the hang of this site, and the whole getting started shiz is still fresh in my mind. Enjoy, post feed back, ask questions, chat.]
Welcome reader, to my not-so-objective guide to starting Marapets. And in just five easy steps, too! Now, let us begin...
You can't explore MaraPETs without a pet of your own. You won't be able to explore the site without one, so click on the "Pets" tab in the pretty sidebar. You will be presented with a TON of information about pets. But before you start exploring, we're going to narrow this page to two, and then one, box.
The first box you wanna look at is the "Adopt a Pet" box. This will take you to the Maradan Pound, where you might find the previously owned pet of your dreams! Plus you're saving the poor thing from sitting in that awful cage it's whole life. This is where I got my pretty pink Kidlet. <3
On the other hand, if you have a special name or height or weight or color or gender or type of pet you want, you should direct yourself to the "Create a Pet" box. There you can make your pet just as you want it.
Do you have your pet? Great! Now let's move on to...
Now, before you run off to the help forum asking every question you could possibly think of, take the time to first, read the rules:
And then, take the time to explore the nooks and crannies of the site. After all, you're restricted from most of the Marapets community when you first join, so what better thing to do? Remember all those boxes from the pet tab? Go explore them all! Go to all the worlds under the "Explore" tab! And along the way you might write down the questions you have. That way, instead of the helpers of Marada scrambling to answer all your mixed up topics, you can organize your questions into one topic and get an organized answer.
Once you've got a good idea of what this site is about it's time for...
You want something to do on this site, right? Maybe while you were exploring you came upon the envy of all Chibs, or a super-rare-must-have wardrobe piece? Research it. Work for it. There's a couple ways you can organize your goals and get your dream account. My personal favorite and the examples I just used are...
Long term goals are goals that will take a long time and a lot of hard work to reach. Some pros to these types of goals are that you'll always have something to do, you'll feel fabulous when you reach it, and it will motivate you more than short term goals. Some cons are that you are much more likely to take detours on your way to success, for example, spending half your savings on something you wouldn't have enjoyed as much as your true goal, even though it seems like a good idea at the time. Also, if you set an unreasonable amount of time for your goals, you might feel less confident about your goals when you can't reach them. After long term goals, there are...
Short term goals are goals that you can achieve within short periods of time. A pro to this type of goal are that you achieve a lot more in less time, although they won't be large accomplishments. Unfortunately, this type of goal setting can also lead to what I like to call, "Petty Goals". Petty Goals are when you set really small and easy goals, just to say you achieved them. For instance, a short term goal is getting 100K. Someone who makes petty goals might break that down into several quick and easy goals. (Get 10K, get 20K, get 30K, and so on.)
Have you set your goals? Great! But how are you gonna achieve them? Try...
Except for goals involving other people, like post count, friend list, or club goals, you're gonna need some Marapoints. Marapoints are the main currency in Marada, out of three currencies. Since this is a just starting out guide, I wouldn't worry about the other two just yet.
The by far easiest way for newbies to make money are games. They don't require experience, they are easy, and they give you up to 1500 per play. And you can play each one three times! You don't like the games? Well guess what, the games don't care if you like them or not! I suggest earning at least 20K before questing, and 100K before restocking. [Those two methods of making marapoints, as well as the other currencies, will not be covered in this guide, but another guide I'm working on, so check back for it.]
Some of my favorite games are Moon Raccoons, Rofling Gold, For Sale, and Shoot the Fatty. Explore the arcade and find your favorites.
So now, you should have a pet, a general knowledge of Mara, (Enough to maybe help another newbie.) and a few MPs under your belt. Now you just need...
Marapals aren't the people who randomly request you, they are the people who chat with you and maybe help you with your goals. They are the people who you help in return, and they are the people that you might actually be disappointed to see them quit, even if you never knew them. How do you meet these people?
Try joining a club with people who have the same interests as you. For example, if you're a girl and you like the beach, you want to look for a club called "Beach Babes!", not one called "Burly Tough Guys who Hate the Beach". If you pick the right club, you'll have a whole group of marapals at your side. You can also use maramail and the forums to interact with people who might have posted something about how awesome the beach is on their profile.
If someone is rude to you, do sweat it. They're probably a low-life 40 year old pervert who get kicks out of angry teenage girls. Or they are just angry teenage girls who get kicks out of angry teenage girls, which happens to be common on this site. But seriously, if you give them what they want, they'll keep doing it. So take away their shameful angry teenage girls addiction. And shame on you if you have that addiction. SHAME.
Okay, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy Marapets. Please post feedback, I just lurrrrve the feedback.