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  1. Club stories.
    11th Feb 2009 01:34
    15 years, 7 months & 24 days ago
  2. Pet adoption
    9th Mar 2008 03:03
    16 years, 6 months & 28 days ago
  3. Against animal abuse
    16th Nov 2007 04:14
    16 years, 10 months & 20 days ago
Club stories.
15 years, 7 months & 24 days ago
11th Feb 2009 01:34

(Note: These stories are for your enjoyment only, these are not written by me, they are written by my club members for our upcoming valentine contest. All these stories are copywritten, if you use these without permission you will be reported)

By snialmaster:

I often come down to the beach at sunset,
Yes, indeed the very same beach we met.
I just come down here to, well, you know, think.
???Think about what???? You may ask, if you were standing beside me now.
Well, I just think, and those thoughts swirl into memories.
Memories of you, in particular.

It all began with the day we met,
On this very spot, should I say so,
I had been so clumsy that day, tripping over your golden orange feathers
Even as you rose, and I stared into your eyes,
If someone had told me I???d feel this way,
I???d still have called them dumb.

Yes, I remember clearly now,
We didn???t like each other at all,
Roaming around by ourselves, you couldn???t call us a team.
Even to this day, I don???t know why,
I took that attack for you.
You could???ve left me, but you didn???t,
You stayed by my side, keeping me warm,
I guess that???s when we became friends.

Ah, yes, all the memories,
Of yesteryear, all floating by,
Every morning, you would say, ???Howdy partner!???
And I???d give you a shy smile,
I would look at you with innocent, red eyes, and watched as you skipped out,
Yellow crest bobbing happily,
Before I rubbed my blue paws and followed you.

Oh, if only you knew how I felt,
Yet I could never even drop the slightest hint,
I wished I had told you before you left,
Whisked away by Time itself,
Now you will never know how I felt about you,
No-one will, save my reflection in this sea, staring back at me???

???What???s that, riolu???? I hear a voice and raise my head,
Still thinking I???m trapped in memory. I turn, and then I see,
A small, golden orange bird, staring at me,
Indeed, the love from my memory.
I can???t say anything; my mouth is tapped shut in surprise,
Tears fall from my eyes, and I find myself running to her,
Our embrace lasts a light year.
???Oh torchic!??? I cry. ???I love you.


(Erm, It's kinda long. ^^)

Nights as nice as these aren't meant for only one to enjoy...

The little creature whined, as this thought played over and over in his head. Perhaps if he kept telling that to himself, his trainer would hear and she'd be able to share tonight with him. But she hadn't woken up, not yet. Not for the past three days. Already her body was starting to smell the slightest bit, as his sensitive nose was able the catch a whiff of her jasmine-scented shampoo, mingling with another smell he could not identify. But it made him uneasy all the same.

He sat up and tenderly stepped over his trainer's limp arm, as he realised how cold she had become. The stripped puppy pokemon had spent his last three nights searching for food and keeping her warm, when he wasn't snuggled up to her body in the crotch of her arm. But he was genuinely worried. What had happened to his dearfriend? Her usually warm, kind face was now pale and icey. He couldn't nuzzle up to her or find comfort in her now- she was completely unresponsive to his every whine, bark, lick. Perhaps she was mad at him. She had never been upset with him before. Why now?

Forlornly he tread over to a small pile of ash left over from the night before. The growlithe looked about. Dead wood over there. A pile of leaves over there.

The wood first. With small steps, he picked his way over his temporary campsite to where he'd spotted a small fallen limb from the tree above. It was perfectly dry. He attempted to roll it to his fire spot, where he'd burned anything he could find to keep his trainer warm and wake her up. Would she love him again then? If he were to make her better? She would. He knew she would, she'd have to.

The only reason he'd skipped over this peice of wood for his fire was because he thought it was much to big for him to move. But he refused to go any farther then the borders of the small clearing to find kindling lest his trainer woke up while he was gone, and he wasn't there to be with her. But his resources were running low, and it was his last resort. He'd been collecting the leaves for a while so that when he would have to use it, they'd be nearby. He may have been only a pup, but when times were dire he could come up with a decent plan. But, the log wouldn't roll. Oh well, He'd just make a big enough blaze so that she could feel it from over there.

So the growlithe began to pick up mouthfulls of the dry leaves and dump them over the wood, ignoring their musty taste. Anything for his friend to love him again. He even picked up a few of the still-live coals, which barely burnt his lips as he clenched them in his teeth, then dropped them over the leaves. Though they continued to glow, the fire wouldn't light.

Now what? He'd been practicing his ember attack for some time- though his aim was good as that of a braindead weedle, he was at least close enough to land a flame or two on his desired target.

Instantly the blaze jumped alive, and he wagged his tail in relief. It was a big fire. Big enough. Bounding over to where his trainer lay still on the ground, he searhed her face for approval. All there was was the glow of the flames on her white skin, her closed eyes and thin mouth still silent and unmoving. The pokemon's tail and mood instantly drooped. Soy he lay by her side once more, not expecting to get any sleep tonight. How could he, when he was this in need of his trainer?

Soon enough he had fallen asleep, despite his weak efforts to keep his eyelids open.


It is here I must ask- There have been many a trainer who has lost their pokemon. And many a human who has lost a loyal friend- be it canine, feline, even avian.Hoenn's Mt. Pyre, Sinnoh's Lost Tower, and Kanto's Lavander Tower have shown us that. But, what happens when a pokemon looses their trainer?

When a friend so dear to them is gone, they are lost. Some accept it, and some don't. Some dont even know what the concept of death is. In any case, they need somebody to cling to, or they fall apart. And many do. But, for this one, who's around to give this poor creature comfort? Other than the dark nights around him, nothing, nobody.

It is my job as a storyteller to tell you the truth. Many believe it's their job just to entertain- mine is to inform. Be it a sad story, or one that leaves you a warm feeling inside.

But what kind of story is this? A sad one? Or a happy one?

And lastly, who will be this sad growlithe's saviour? Or...

Will he have one at all?


:His Fourth Day:

"...How sad."

This voice? Who was it?

"She let him go free right before... whatever happened. The pokeball's open."

His trainer?

"That's really something- your last act in the world, letting your pokemon free. But he's a devoted little guy. Hasn't even left her side, probably can't believe that she's dead. And on today, of all days. That's what I call true love."

No, this voice wasn't hers. It was male. And there was no scent of jasmine- the male's scent overpowered all else. It was flowery, too- and warm. Almost firey. Like a mix of flowers and ash.


Wait, that wasn't the human's scent, there was somebody right next to him. That voice he just heard, right beside his ear- more female. She smelled nice. She sounded nice too. He snuggled closer to the mystery pokemon.

"Ah! So, you're awake?"

Suddenly, the growlithe's eyes shot open, as he realised something- he'd thought the two strangers were just a dream. They were here, they were real, it was morning, and he felt hungry. They were as real as the world around him was. His first sight of the day- two large, white sneakers. His trainer always wore sandals. And he saw them on the ground behind those two feet- where he'd left them the night before. So, she hadn't moved at all, much less woken up. The growlithe raised his eyes to get a better look at the human. He was about the same age his friend had been, maybe a year or two older. He was also wearing blue jeans, a grey T-shirt that said something about a battle tent in Hoenn, (Though the Growlithe obviously couldn't read it,) a red backpack, And had messy blonde hair. He was smiling softly, almost affectionately down at him. "Sorry, buddy. About her, I mean." The human nodded towards the other trainer lying on the ground.

The puppy followed his gaze to his trainer, and he got a good look at her in the light. Her red curls tangled in the roots and soil, and the red bad-smelling stains on her shirt hadn't gone away.

He looked back up at the trainer and I love eating my dirty socksed his head, confused as to why he was here. Had he come to help him and his friend? The puppy then remembered the otehr somebody, the one lying right next to him. Turning his head, his eyes met another pair of milky brown ones.

"That's Vulpix." The human explained. "I only got er a few weeks ago, but we're good buddies." 'Vulpix' gave the puppy that same sympathetic smile, and murred sweetly. "Vuuuuu." The fox-like pokemon was only a pup too, it seemed.

The little growlite looked from her, her trainer, then his trainer, very confused. She'd sounded sorry about something too. What was it? What was going on?

It was then that the male bent down to get a better look at his sleeping friend, taking her limp hand into his, and dropping it again, seeming surprised about how cold it was. It shouldn't have been, unless the fire was put out... which it was. These two had probably done it. "You know, I guess we could help you give her a proper burial..." The trainer then took off his backpack, and began to dig around in it.

He took out a small trowel, and began to dig at the ground under his trainer's cold body.


The growlithe finally understood.

they'd come to take his dear trainer! They were going to bury her alive!

The growlithe wrenched his way out from under Vulpix's tails where they wrapped round him in neat little curls, amost protectively. He drew up the fiery heat from deep within his belly, sending a barrage of small flames at the evil human. Nobody touches my friend.

"Vulllll!" But the oher puppy pokemon was faster. once she felt her grip give way to the growlithe's strong tugging, she knew he ment harm to her trainer and jumped in front of the attack just in time. Thanks to her type, she wasn't harmed. Her trainer, however, looked stunned.

As did the growlithe. Didn't she realise that her trainer was a bad person? Yet, she protected him anyway. Standing in front of her trainer protectively, growling at the puppy savagely. The sight almost reminded him of something- a odd emotion stirred in his chest.

Then it hit him- he finally remembered what had happened four days ago, when his trainer ceased to love her dear friend.

He remembered another pokemon, and another human- the other pokemon was large, and had claws and fangs like daggers. Though it wasn't him they were after, like in most battles he was in, but his friend, his trainer. He remembered the bad human yelling out commands, the angry pokemon leaping to strike-

When he had gotten in the way of the attack, jumping in to save his trainer. He was damaged, and hurt al over, so his trainer brought him back into his ball.

When he was next sent out, he must have been unconcious- but when he awoke, his wounds were healed, the two evil attackers gone- and his trainer laying still, an open pokeball in her hand.

He sat on the cold ground, deep in thought, and his eyes began to sting, a lump rose in his throat. She hadn't woken up since then. What if she never did? Is that what these two were sorry about- his loss? Suddenly, he didn't feel like protecting his trainer anymore. There was no hope for her- no matter how much he worked, she wasn't going to come back, ever. Those strangers could do what they wanted. It didn't matter anymore. And the two soon realised he understood what was going on. Vulpix trotted over to his side, nuzzling up to his neck in apology. Her trainer continued to stand there a moment, before he too walked over and knelt down in front of the growlithe, hands on his knees, laying the trowl on the ground.

"You know, I think she would have wanted you not to tear yourself up because of this." He simply said, gazing into the pup's eyes. "I think she would have wanted you to be happy, that's why she let you go- not for you to feel sorry for yourself but to keep on living. Find a new friend. I don't exactly know what happened, or what was going through her head. But that's the way I feel about it."

He stood back up, going back to his digging silently. Vulpix and Growlithe simply watched.

A long moment later, and no progress was made by the trainer. The ground was cold and hard as rock. He sat up for a moment to wipe some sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand and kept going. Thr Growlithe suddenly got up as well, and made his way over to where the trainer was working.

He took a long look at the face of his deceased friend, and that of his new one, and he too began to dig. Vulpix came over to help as well, her small paws kicking up wuch more dirt than the other two.

Finally a proper grave was dug, all three of the diggers stepping back to look at their work.

The human picked up the limp body, placing it gingerly in the whole, then began piling dirt back on top. No words were said during this burial, but none were needed. When the whole was finally covered back up, the loose dirt was patted flat so it appeared nothing had even happened. All three considered making a tomstone, but two never having even met the trainer and one who couldn't put his feelings into words, much less carve them in english on a tombstone, so they simply left the pile of ash and coal as a marker of how much the Growlithe cared for his trainer, even after she was gone.

"Well," The trainer finally spoke, and it surprised the other two as it was the first word spoken in nearly an hour, "I think... it's time for Vulpix and I to go."

He turned around, and just like that, dissapeared into the foliage.

Growlither sat, and thought. Make new friends, he had said...

He got up suddenly, and bounded into the spot where the others had dissapeared, barking loudly. He heard Vulpix's bark in reply, and ran towards the sound, untill he found the two waiting. The human was smiling, and Vulpix ran up to greet growlithe with a tackle and licked his face lovingly, (Which, if Growlithe wasn't so overwhelmed with emotions at the moment, would probably have made him blush.)

"I figured that's what you were going to do." It was then Growlithe noticed in his hand- his pokeball, the one he'd lived in so long while traveling with his old trainer. It should have annoyed him that he had taken it, but it didn't. He was too happy. And he felt he would be for a long time to come- Two new friends for life, and perhaps even so after death.



it is important for us as humans to remember that every day, even Valentines day, is not only filled with love and life, but sorrow and death. But what's even more important or us to remember is that not every heartbreak lasts forever, as long as you keep on going. And so my job is fulfilled. I have informed you, and hopefully entertained you on this day.

Valentines Day, be blessed.




~Love is magical~

A little caterpie
on the ground
see's a butterfree
fly around.

This here caterpie
falls in love
with this here butterfree
way above.

Two so different
become one
sharing compassion
with no pain

Both the butterfree's
fly around
sharing the love
that they just found.

Written by Rose

aww these stories are so cute and good!

115 years, 7 months & 8 days ago 27th Feb 2009 09:30
where waz...mine?
115 years, 7 months & 13 days ago 21st Feb 2009 22:12
  1. Club stories.
    11th Feb 2009 01:34
    15 years, 7 months & 24 days ago
  2. Pet adoption
    9th Mar 2008 03:03
    16 years, 6 months & 28 days ago
  3. Against animal abuse
    16th Nov 2007 04:14
    16 years, 10 months & 20 days ago