Rusty Missions
15 years, 11 months & 16 days ago
27th Jan 2009 21:28 1 - Pink Hund Skull, Blue Minnoth Skull
2 - Grey Minnoth Femur, Green Sabertooth Tail Bone
3 - Puprle Sabertooth Skull, Purple Sabertooth Humerus
4 - Red Minnoth Ribs,Green Sabertooth Skull
5 - Blue Minnoth Humerus, Purple Sabertooth Humerus
6 - Red Hund Tail, Pink Hund Tail, Red Hund Thorax
7 - White Sabertooth Skull, Black Sabertooth Humerus, Blue Hund Tail
8 - White Minnoth Skull, Purple Hund Skull, Green Sabertooth Thorax
9 - Blue Hund Humerus, Blue Hund Skull, Yellow Sabertooth Femur
10 - Red Hund Skull, Grey Hund Femur, Orange Hund Femur
11 - Green Sabertooth Tail Bone, Pink Hund Skull, Grey SabertoothTail Bone
12 - Yellow SabertoothTail Bone, Purple Minnoth Skull, Black Minnoth Ribs
13 - White Minnoth Ribs, White Hund Thorax, Purple Minnoth Skull
14 - Green Sabertooth Thorax, Red Minnoth Humerus, Pink Minnoth Tail Bone
15 - Green Minnoth Skull, Pink Sabertooth Thorax, Grey Sabertooth Humerus
16 - Can of Apples, Can of Roses
17 - Can of Apples, Can of Sand
18 - Can of Sand, Can of Tomatoes
19 - Can of Roses, Can of Fish Eyes
20 - Can of Chicken Wings, Can of Asparagus
21 - Can of Eggs, Can of Snakes, Can of Asparagus
22 - Can of Grapes, Can of Peach, Can of Pears
23 - Can of Roses, Can of Peach, Can of Eggs
24 - Can of Sand, Can of Roses, Can of Peach
25 - Can of Peas, Can of Fish, Can of Sand
26 - Creamy Leak Soup, Creamy Leak Soup, Spaghetti Bolegnase
27 - Ice Cream and Candy, Apple Crumble, Spaghetti and Meatballs
28 - Roast Pork, Roast Pork, Creamy Leek Soup
29 - Spaghetti and Meatballs, Spaghetti Bolognese, Creamy Leak Soup
30 - Spaghetti Bolognese, Roast Pork, Duck with sauce!!