Blitzen Lending Policy
15 years, 11 months & 16 days ago
26th Jan 2009 21:31 Blitzen Lending Policy
Due to Marapets Policy, I have revised my Blitzen Lending Policy. If you wish to borrow an item from me, you MUST read this ENTIRE blog before I will lend.
Firstly, you must copy the following paragraph, fill in the blanks, and MM it to me.
I am currently on Level ________ of Blitzen. cococrisp10 has offered to lend a _______________ item to me. I understand that I am only borrowing this item and it is not mine. After completing the Blitzen level with cococrisp10 s item, I am expected to replace the item within 48 hours. If I have not returned the item within the given time frame, I may be reported to a staff member where further action will occur. If I have provided collateral, however, I will have up to 7 days to replace the item. If the item has not been replaced and prior arrangements or contact has not been made with cococrisp10, my collateral will not be returned.
From here on out, I will lend my gallery items at my own discretion. If you are a member of the AF, you may borrow any gallery item free of charge with the expectation that the item will be replaced within 48 hours or other means of payment have been established with me.
If you are NOT AF, I may still lend my items to you, but I will not do so without first collecting collateral in the form of MP or items of the same or higher value beforehand.
This is done to protect both you and myself. If you do not like my policy, I'm sorry, I'm sure somebody else would love to lend their items to you, but I won't.
i would also like a tip as i stock these items at my own cost with new items comming i need to make mp also thanks