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  1. a best friend (aka liz)
    3rd Mar 2009 15:30
    15 years & 7 months ago
  2. temple
    2nd Mar 2009 17:50
    15 years, 7 months & 1 day ago
  3. Brats, Boys, and Cliques
    16th Jan 2009 17:09
    15 years, 8 months & 15 days ago
    9th Jan 2009 14:05
    15 years, 8 months & 23 days ago
  5. my pets
    13th Nov 2008 18:01
    15 years, 10 months & 18 days ago
Brats, Boys, and Cliques
15 years, 8 months & 15 days ago
16th Jan 2009 17:09

tick tock tick tock......
when would reading be over? All day she had wondered. so many questions. the suspense was killing her. soon she would meet her only ally, lunch, and the bathroom of course. so much has happened in our bathroom, well until a teacher drags us out. the bathroom is an amotional room, emotions of all kinds,loyalty, betrayal, note passing, gossip,anger, jealousy, and at times love. not real love the love of boyfriends and girlfriends.the kind that would last a couple of months and then stop. that drama queen kind of love.

it had happened three days ago. we haven't talked since. what had gone wrong? as far as i was concerned i was in love. then it happened. jessica lindsy. i knew i never liked her.

a large thump interupted my thoughts. what in the world was it? oh! it's lily tapping her desk with a pencil. Lily got up to sharpen her pencil, well thats what she told mrs.martain. on her way back she dropped a note on my desk. it said:

julie!! meet me in the bathroom at lunch its about jasper!

Ding!! went the bell. i half ran half walked out of the classroom. Grabbed my PE clothes and ran to the cafeteria. that is, until mrs. ruby told me to slow down.

"sorry mrs. ruby!! just trying to get a good spot in line!!" i lied. that day i had brought my lunch. we were having hamburgers with soy meat! YUCK!!i sat my stuff down and walked to the bathroom(i didn't want to tip off the teachers). Lily was already there. How did she beat me?

"whats up? did they kiss? who made the first move? is he chesting on me? tell!!" i blurted out. Lily is a gossip expert nothing happened that she didn't know. she does her best not to spread gossip she just listens to it. for science! its called Gossipology.

"slow down julie! she whispered. we dont want to tip off the teachers!"

"ok" i replied also whispering.

"well acording to thge gossip i've heard jessica went over to his house and she let him in! she said she needed homework help. she's a really good liar!so she went in and the rest was history." Lily said.

"who made the first move? i asked.

" i think she did but im not sure i'll keep my eyes and ears open for more information. but remwmber i'm not always right there's a 10% chance of error. she replied.

just then mrs. ronald came into the bathroom.oops! we stayed in to long!"you girls get out of here right now! this is a bathroom not a gossip room!!!" she yelled. gosh what was her problem? mrs.ronald was always in a bad mood. lily and i got out of there as fast as we could. we didn't want ot get on her bad side.

lily winked at me. the kind of wink that meant meet me in the gym locker room. lily sat down beside me and chatted about silly stuff like how nasty soy burgers were. i knew she had something else to tell me.

gym didn't go so well. we never had time to talk! we had to run two miles! we were really out of breath! the next period was health. great. mr. mattson was the best note spotter in the country! i have a feeling that lilys gonna pass a note.

it wa time for health. yep. as soon as i got in the classroom lily handed me a note. i held it under my desk and read it. it said:

sorry i didn't talk to you at PE i never got a chance but while i was at PE i learned some very interesting stuff.

Thats ok. i didn't have any time either. what did you find out? tell! oh! and also be really careful! mr. mattson loves to take up notes!

lily read it. smiled. and tossed another note at me:

well i figued out jessica made the first move she's a really good kisser! so after the first kiss he had to have more. it was an addiction. sorry julie but i think i smell a breakup coming your way!

"julie, lily, do you have something you want ot share with the whole class?" mr. Mattson asked.

"no mr.mattson." lily and i replied in unison.

ding! yes! saved by the bell! i almost ran out of the classroom, but i stopped myself and walked slowly. my next class was computer that was the only class we didnt have together. so before i left i dropped another note in her locker:

NOOOOO!!!! why? why di jessica have to come to THIS school? if she never came we would still be in love! why? oh what am i gonna do? im gonna text him. tonight. no way is he gonna dump me for jessica! im gonna dump him first! but what about that 10% chance of error? OMG!! help!!

after a couple of more periods school was over. finally the drama was over! or was it? i decided to stop waiting on jaspers call and take matters into my own hands.

JASPER we need to talk.

about wat?

u kno wat!


ya think! awwww.. u already hav a pet name for her!

jules its not wat u think! she came over 2 my house and plopped down on the couch and kissed me!! EWWWWWW!!!!

how do i kno ur not lying?

julie jessica is a cool girl but she also has a terrible attitude. besides ur the only girl in my life well except for my mom!


OH and one more thing...


love ya!


the next day was friday i have already texted lily filling her in on the conversation i had with jasper. i am still really careful. i have not fully forgiven him yet! today was me and lily's "girls night out" one friday of every month lily and i go shopping and go to our favorite resterant, chilis. i am so excited! i love going to the mall!!

"Jules!! look!! a 50% off sale!" lily yelled.

"oh my gosh! that purse is amazing!! i have to have it!" i said. i grabbed the purse andwent to the checkout counter. i can't belive i found it on sale! after going to a few more shops we left the mall and went to chilis.

when we got there we waited for about 15 minutes then we were seated. after we ordered we noticed a cute couple in the back.

"julie! look! it's jasper with jessica! but he's going out with you! omg!lily exclamed.

"he wouldn't" i replied angrily.

"he would" lily commented.

"oh he's in so much trouble!" i said.

"what are you gnna do?" lily asked.

"i'll show you it will be a lot more fun." i replied.

i got up and went over to their table. right when i got over there they were in the middle of a big smooch! my boyfriend kissing another girl now thats where i draw the line!

"how could you do this to me? you lied!!!" i yelled.

"JULIE! I DON'T LIKE HER!!!" jasper yelled.

"what?" yelled jessica.

"ok so i see you KISSING another girl and you say you don't like her? thats pathetic!" i yelled. then i acted without thinking and grabbed his dr. pepper and poured it all over his head!

it was monday again. i walked through the bright blue school doors, boyfriendless. it's a wonder how word gets out so fast. i was almost trampled at the door.

"JULIE!! did you really break up with jasper?" asked ashley.

"you did! but yall were perfect for each other!" susan yelled.

"PEOPLE BE QUIET!!!" i yelled. "yes, i did break up with jasper and i never want to see that two faced jerk EVER again!!"

then jessica walked up. trouble. and i knew it.

"oh hi julie," jessica said in that snoby voice of hers."i heard that you and jasper broke up, so sorry."

" you were there dodo brain. i didn't know your short term memery loss was that bad!" i replied.

"i know i was there, but i got 50 million phone calls telling me about it. looks like the word is around the whole school" jessica said.

"50 millioin? wow someone lives to make things WORSE than they are!" i snapped back.

"oh well. somebody has to do it." jessica replied sarcasticly.

"what are you and jasper doing tonight? are ya going to the circus and riding the kiddie rides?" i asked.

"no. we are going to the olive garden. ya know, breaking up with jasper is the best thing you have done for me. by breaking up with him you have drivin him right into my arms. jessica snapped. Come on girls we will be late for homeroom.

there was one word on my mind,revenge, i was at war, not because she stole jasper but because she was born the biggest brat EVER.

it was tuesday, my social life has officially crashed. the breakup was all around the school. Only now, the story said that after we broke up jasper grew fangs and became a vampire, and i took a bath and became a mermaid (the kids at my school have a great immagination). but today was a little better, two words, new kid. actuallt three words new BOY kid. maybe today wouldn't turn out so bad after all.

it was 3rd period. English. the new kid was in my class.(how lucky was that! ) he was HOT. yup i score him a 10 in hotness, but thats not what matters, he seemed really sweet and outgoing. he had already be friended the other retarded boys at school.

"ok children" mrs.morgan said. " we will be starting a new project this week it will be for half of your grade. i will asign partners.NO!! YOU MAY NOT PICK YOUR OWN PARTNERS!!!"

"wow, somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning" i whispered to lily.

" partners will be as followed" mrs.morgan said."Lily you will be with casey"

"well i can kiss that A goodbye!" lily said softly to me.

mrs.morgan continued, "sam you are with wendy, lucus your with holly, shelby i paired you up with justin. Julie i want you to be with this new fellow jason, he's new here and i want you to show him around."

"ok" i said politly.(although i was shreeking with happiness inside! )i grabbed my stuff and moved over to his table.

"hey" jason said.

"hey" i manedged to blurt out.

"hey" he repeated.

"you already said that!" i said.

"I know..hahaha" jason said laughing. he had the most wonderful laugh!

" do you like your new school so far?" i asked.

"i like it, it seems pretty cool" he commented.

"well... dont say that till you get past lunch"

he laughed.

"no siriously. todays special pig intestines and mashed tomato mush." i said.

"at least it's pig intestines at my other school it was ardvark intestines!"

"wow ok then, im glad i know that now...." i replied.

BRRRRRRRRRIIIINNGGGGG!!!! Stupid bell! i was just getting to know him.

"well um see you later?" i said.

"later" he replied.

it was last period, reading, not reading class just reading books. Lily seemed to be distracted by something. i smell a note coming...

yep as soon as i looked at her... a note flew to my desk.i tried not to giggle, and oppened it. it said:

OMG guess what the guy's gossip is!

i turned the paper to the back and wrote another note:


i chunked the note at her and she through another to me:

well the guys were all talking and mike said that jason REALLY likes you!

i freaked out. and wrote another note again:

REALLY? no joke?

lily send another one:

REALLY dont write back i will talk to you after class!

it was wednesday. 3rd period again. i still think lily is joking. we talked after class and she just repeated what she said in the note. but today something was different.

"hey Jason ready to get busy?" i asked.

"yeah. i guess so" he replied. "um can i ask you something?"


"are you doing anything friday night?" he asked.

"no not at the moment"

"do you want to do something?"

"are you asking me out?" i asked excitedly.

" i think so"

"well now im doing something. going out with my new boyfriend." i rejoiced at the name of the word.

it was friday night. Lily was helping me get dressed. we tend to make a big deal out of these things.

"ok so what style are you going for?" lily asked.

"kind of dressy, casual, and funky." i replied.

"how can you be casual and dressy?"

"its possible." i pointed out.

"yeah in la la land."

"well do you have any better

"yeah this top and these pants" lily said as she reached in my closet and pulled out a zebra top and a dark pair of skinny jeans.

"and this necklace?" i asked pulling a siver peace sign necklace out of my jewlry box.

"YES YES YES!! you are so ready!" lily yelled.
hey thanks for reading my story, first off this story is not true, i took situations in me and my friends life and added more detail. i know i have a LOT of errors, try to ignore them. feel free to post a comment i love knowing what others think. i will add more frequently. keep checking back to find out what happens next!wub.gif

115 years, 5 months & 12 days ago 21st Apr 2009 18:00
i will soon
115 years, 6 months & 6 days ago 28th Mar 2009 06:32
ok then..
115 years, 6 months & 25 days ago 9th Mar 2009 16:10
lol.. Ppl in real life don't say " You said that already.. " XDD I wanna come to your house... :[ Last time wuz total AWSOMNESS!!!
115 years, 6 months & 28 days ago 6th Mar 2009 14:49
115 years, 7 months & 4 days ago 28th Feb 2009 12:26
OMG!!! thats stupid and NONE of these guys represent anybody, i dont lyk anyone
115 years, 7 months & 5 days ago 27th Feb 2009 15:06
XDDD And I wanna meet this "Boy" .....
115 years, 7 months & 7 days ago 24th Feb 2009 15:25
  1. a best friend (aka liz)
    3rd Mar 2009 15:30
    15 years & 7 months ago
  2. temple
    2nd Mar 2009 17:50
    15 years, 7 months & 1 day ago
  3. Brats, Boys, and Cliques
    16th Jan 2009 17:09
    15 years, 8 months & 15 days ago
    9th Jan 2009 14:05
    15 years, 8 months & 23 days ago
  5. my pets
    13th Nov 2008 18:01
    15 years, 10 months & 18 days ago