Ice Caves
15 years, 11 months & 19 days ago
5th Jan 2009 02:27 Jan 5th 2009
Finally finally finally got my last piece of the treasure map today and sent Cherry Arte into the Ice caves for the first time:
You found a 366MP!
Jan 6th
Cherry_Arte gained a Magic Stat!
You found a 105MP!
Jan 17th
Cherry_Arte gained a Magic Stat!
Jan 18th
You found a 411MP!
You found a 131MP!
Jan 19th
Cherry_Arte gained a Magic Stat!
Cherry_Arte is full up, happy and no longer tired!
Jan 25th You found a 186MP!
Jan 27th
Cherry_Arte gained a Magic Stat!
Cherry_Arte is full up, happy and no longer tired!
Jan 28
You found a 105MP!
Jan 29
You found a 445MP!
Jan 30
You found a 359MP!
You found a 179MP!
Jan 31
You found a 500MP!
Cherry_Arte gained a Magic Stat!
Feb 1st
Cherry_Arte gained a Magic Stat!
You found a 311MP!
Feb 2nd
You found a 248MP!
Cherry_Arte gained a Magic Stat!
Feb 3rd
You found a 388MP!
Feb 4th
You found a 231MP!
Cherry_Arte gained a Magic Stat!
Feb 5th
Cherry_Arte is full up, happy and no longer tired!
feb 7th
You found a 420MP!
feb 8th
You found a 470MP!
Feb 9th
Cherry_Arte gained a Magic Stat!
Feb 10th
Cherry_Arte gained a Magic Stat!
You found a 154MP!
Feb 11
Cherry_Arte gained a Magic Stat!
You found a 224MP!
Feb 12
You found a 283MP!
Cherry_Arte gained a Magic Stat!
Feb 13
Cherry_Arte gained a Magic Stat!
You found a 203MP!
Feb 14th
You found a 421MP!
You found a 408MP!
feb 15th
You found a 131MP!
You found a 125MP!
Cherry_Arte is full up, happy and no longer tired!
Feb 16th
Cherry_Arte is full up, happy and no longer tired!
Cherry_Arte is full up, happy and no longer tired!
Feb 17th
You found a 265MP!
You found a 479MP!
feb 18th
Cherry_Arte is full up, happy and no longer tired!
Feb 19th
Cherry_Arte gained a Magic Stat!
You found a 231MP!
Feb 20th
\You found a 260MP!
Feb 21st
Cherry_Arte gained a Magic Stat!
You found a 209MP!
Feb 22
You found a 161MP!
You found a 338MP!
Feb 23
You found a 289MP!
Cherry_Arte gained a Magic Stat!
Feb 24
You found a 212MP!
Cherry_Arte is full up, happy and no longer tired!
Feb 25
You found a 287MP!
Cherry_Arte is full up, happy and no longer tired! (I like these ones so much more than I used to!
Feb 26
You found a 361MP!
Cherry_Arte gained a Magic Stat!
Feb 27
Cherry_Arte gained a Magic Stat!
Feb 28th
You found a 406MP!
You found a 278MP!
Mar 1st
Cherry_Arte gained a Magic Stat!
Cherry_Arte gained a Magic Stat!
Mar 2nd
You found a 139MP!
Mar 3
Cherry_Arte gained a Magic Stat!
You found a 344MP!
Mar 4th
Cherry_Arte gained a Magic Stat!
You found a 185MP!
Mar 5th
Cherry_Arte gained a Magic Stat!
You found a 469MP!
Mar 6th
Cherry_Arte is full up, happy and no longer tired!
Cherry_Arte is full up, happy and no longer tired!
Mar 7th
You found a 442MP!
You found a 194MP!
Mar 8th
You found a 280MP!
Rusty_Pickle gained a Magic Stat!
Mar 9th
Rusty_Pickle is full up, happy and no longer tired! Yay!
You found a 183MP!
Mar 10
You found a 274MP!
Cherry_Arte gained a Magic Stat!
Mar 11
Cherry_Arte gained a Magic Stat!
Mar 12
You found a 293MP!
You found a 367MP!
Mar 13
You found a 306MP!
Cherry_Arte is full up, happy and no longer tired!
Mar 14
You found a 259MP!
You found a 290MP!
Mar 15
You found a 437MP!
babyblahblah gained a Magic Stat!
Mar 16
You found a 352MP!
You found a 417MP!
You found a 446MP!
Mar 19
You found a 141MP!
babyblahblah gained a Magic Stat!
Mar 20
You found a 112MP!
babyblahblah gained a Magic Stat!
Mar 21
You found a 329MP!
You found a 301MP!
Mar 22
babyblahblah is full up, happy and no longer tired! Yay!!!
You found a 282MP!
Mar 23
Cherry_Arte gained a Magic Stat!
Mar 24
You found a 330MP!
Cherry_Arte gained a Magic Stat!
Mar 25
You found a 377MP!