16 years & 24 days ago
3rd Jan 2009 08:21 btw if you don't have a blog, dont kill me. rl friends aren't included because that's what life is for k.
Kat - Jul. 16
IT'S KAT! I don't know where I'd be without you, honestly. Glad I could keep you around by being the crazy idiot I am. I love you so much, and I have so many of your mails saved in my inbox, seriously. You're so motivating and wonderful, and I don't know how else to describe you. You're the best. Honestly.
Paige - Nov. 22
Paige <3 Where can I start? You're one of the best friends I've ever had. You're so sweet and everything, and your art is phenomenal. I love you, k. I remember staying up till 5 am with you some days, telling you every ounce of my life as you told your loves and hopes. One day I hope I can meet you, you're such a strong girl. <33
Ariel - April 17th
I remember how we met, over you giving me a prize for a contest or w/e, and it all started from there. Your maramails sometimes make my day when I'm alone, and you really are awesome. And you have great purple hair.
Rachie - March 10
Hi Raga. What's up? Ty for helping me w/ my Gaga collection. I love your art and photography. You're an amazing girl. <3
Stuti - Jan. 19
Hi Tyra. I love your sister ok, just tell her that. You're a great friend when it comes to chats at night when everyone else is sleeping, and Wayne loves you ok.
Ryan - x
Hi biggest fan of my show. If you really love my show, you should bleach your hair blonde for me! teehee! You're hilarious and late night convos are best w/ you and stuti k
anyone not mentioned- you've either drifted away or given up. good to know i at least have a few good friends. "/