Robin Hood's Daughter
15 years, 11 months & 25 days ago
1st Jan 2009 06:57 plot-Robin Hood has been killed by exking Whats his face (cant remember his name).whats his face has escaped from prison, and is taking revenge on all the people who put him in jail.
Now that her father is dead, 17 year old Sparrow takes up her fathers position as king of thieves, or maybe in her case, Queen of thieves. But she dosnt want her Father's title, she wantes revenge.
Join as one of her merry band of theives, (cant call it merry band of men anymore since women have started to join too), and help her stop Whats his Face from regaining the thrown!
can they do it?
1. mararules
2. dont ask to join, just join
3. if im not on, just start the rp anyway
4. no taking control of other ppls charries
5. no killing other ppls charries
6. the spot for Sparrow is open
7. have fun, no argueing
8. if elloser joins he is in charge
merry man/woman, guard