Memorial for my Horse Specialty
16 years & 16 days ago
28th Dec 2008 22:55 She was 32 years old when she past away the day after Christmas. I was told the news after I came back from spending the holidays with my cousins. Specialty was basically the first horse who taught me how to ride since I was 6, her and lessons from my Aunt Marge. At first I only knew how to walk and trot on her, I didn't know what canter was yet, but Marge took us to my first horse show and I learned very quickly how to canter or run Specialty. It seemed a little scary but once I found my balance in the saddle it was the best day of my entire life. That was also the greatest, first time I cantered on my first horse and I couldn't be any more happier. Specialty and I went on to win a lot of blue ribbons and trophies in Walk & Trot, Western Pleasure, Horsemanship, and Showmanship classes at the horse shows. After about 9 years of riding she was retired from the shows. We didn't go to a lot of shows but we went to enough to earn a shelf full of ribbons, trophies and a lot of great memories. Mainly if it wasn't for Specialty, or my Aunt Marge, I wouldn't be the kind of good rider I am today. I owe that much and more to my Aunt but mostly to the first horse I learned how to ride on, my horse Specialty. May she rest in peace in her heavenly pasture.