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  1. 10 signs you love someone & How Guys/Girls Flirt
    26th Nov 2009 08:01
    15 years & 1 month ago
  2. RolePlayS -- Intros, Plots, Characters
    29th Jun 2009 19:04
    15 years, 5 months & 29 days ago
  3. God must be Laughing!
    29th Jun 2009 17:24
    15 years, 5 months & 29 days ago
  4. Send this to that ONE
    28th Jun 2009 07:14
    15 years, 5 months & 30 days ago
  5. Very amusing
    12th Jun 2009 18:10
    15 years, 6 months & 15 days ago
  6. Valentine Day Special
    14th Feb 2009 11:46
    15 years, 10 months & 11 days ago
  7. Thank you to everyone
    28th Dec 2008 20:32
    15 years, 11 months & 28 days ago
  8. I'd be this boyfriend.
    26th Dec 2008 19:41
    16 years ago
  9. 38 Things Girls Don't Realize
    23rd Dec 2008 10:04
    16 years & 3 days ago
  10. A fraction of a second...
    23rd Dec 2008 09:45
    16 years & 3 days ago
I'd be this boyfriend.
16 years ago
26th Dec 2008 19:41

When she stare's at your mouth

[ Kiss her ]

When she pushes you or hit's you

[ Grab her and dont let go ]

When she start's cursing at you

[ Kiss her and tell her you love her ]

When she's quiet

[ Ask her whats wrong ]

When she ignore's you

[ Give her your attention ]

When she pull's away

[ Pull her back ]

When you see her at her worst

[ Tell her she's beautiful ]

When you see her start crying

[Just hold her and dont say a word ]

When you see her walking

[ Sneak up and hug her waist from behind ]

When she's scared

[ Protect her ]

When she lay's her head on your shoulder

[ Tilt her head up and kiss her ]

When she steal's your favorite hat

[ Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night]

When she tease's you

[ Tease her back and make her laugh ]

When she doesnt answer for a long time

[ reassure her that everything is okay ]

When she look's at you with doubt

[ Back yourself up ]

When she say's that she like's you

[ she really does more than you could understand ]

When she grab's at your hands

[ Hold her's and play with her fingers ]

When she bump's into you

[ bump into her back and make her laugh ]

When she tell's you a secret

[ keep it safe and untold ]

When she looks at you in your eyes

[ dont look away until she does ]

When she misses you

[ she's hurting inside ]

When you break her heart

[ the pain never really goes away ]

When she says its over

[ she still wants you to be hers ]

When she repost this bulletin

[ she wants you to read it ]

- Stay on the phone with her even if shes not saying anything.

- When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go

- When she says she's ok dont believe it, talk with her

- because 10 yrs later she'll remember you

- Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her

- Call her before you sleep and after you wake up

- Treat her like she's all that matters to you.

- Tease her and let her tease you back.

- Stay up all night with her when she's sick.

- Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think its stupid.

- Give her the world.

- Let her wear your clothes.

- When she's bored and sad, hang out with her.

- Let her know she's important.

- Kiss her in the pouring rain.

- When she runs up at you crying, the first thing you say is;

"Who's but am I kicking baby?"

If you do post this in the next four minutes the one you love will :

Call you.

Kiss you.

Love you.

Text you.

Guys post as: "I'd be this Boyfriend."

Girls post as: "A real Boyfriend

Love is so hurtful and confussing.But loveing you comes easily to me.So I thank you for your words.
115 years, 6 months & 12 days ago 15th Jun 2009 11:03
I have had countless friends come up to me at school, at work, or on the street, and tell me "She's/He's the One." And more times then I care to count, I have had those same friends come over to my house and spend hours crying or yelling. It seems they always say "No more" or "Never again", but they will never remember those words a week from now.
I am not one to tell you Love is pointless, or you should just give up on it. Instead, I am going to tell you this.

Treasure love, for in the end, after everything is said and done, it may be the only thing you have left.

So, guys : Never raise a hand to your love, and never mistake her willing adoration as a possesion. Treat her as the queen she is, and she may remain yours forever.

So, girls : Never take advantage of your Love, he may do things for you out of love, but do not use him as a slave. Don't flaunt him around like a toy or new pet, and don't throw him to the side when your friends are around.

Remember to treasure your love, and never forget the wonderful times you had.
115 years, 6 months & 15 days ago 12th Jun 2009 18:19
Boyz arn't worth our love.All they do is break our hearts and they dont even care.Heartbreak sucks.I was with a guy for 7 months...he totally destroyed me.Completely.And yet I him.He had me so hypnotized.I was truely inlove with him.The feelings I had for him were insain.And I died a little when he broke my heart into millions.But with every piece...I still love him...and I dont want to cuz it hurts to bad.It hurts more not loveing him.Theres just somethings not even time can heal.Some scars not even new love can erase.Some pain...that will always be there and never get better.I thought he was a great guy.The perfict one.But theres no such thing as perfict or the one.Im just upset I waisted my kisses on him because I was kissing him with my eyes shut.Blinded by his.The trance he had on me.Killed me.It kills me once it kills me still.I loved him once.I love him still.I always have...and I think I always will.Even if it kills me.But i'll move on.Just more careful with my heart this time...i'll know better then to fall inlove feel so weak,so never ever fall to hard...because it hurts getting back up...
115 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 4th Jun 2009 03:30
This is beautiful...
I wish my ex boyfriend had been more like this...
He was the perfect him he could be...until he was my first heartbreak.
It killed me, so when I read this, I felt instantly better.
Thank you for this Anthony
115 years, 7 months & 4 days ago 24th May 2009 14:48
Wish I had the guy that wrote this!!!
115 years, 8 months & 22 days ago 5th Apr 2009 11:12
Do tell me how would you treat your girlfriend?
115 years, 9 months & 1 day ago 27th Mar 2009 03:50
115 years, 10 months & 5 days ago 20th Feb 2009 20:52
Lol, if only there WERE guys like that in this world.
115 years, 10 months & 14 days ago 11th Feb 2009 17:55
Once again I have a man like that<3
115 years, 10 months & 14 days ago 11th Feb 2009 12:25
awww thats cute
115 years, 10 months & 21 days ago 4th Feb 2009 19:37
  1. 10 signs you love someone & How Guys/Girls Flirt
    26th Nov 2009 08:01
    15 years & 1 month ago
  2. RolePlayS -- Intros, Plots, Characters
    29th Jun 2009 19:04
    15 years, 5 months & 29 days ago
  3. God must be Laughing!
    29th Jun 2009 17:24
    15 years, 5 months & 29 days ago
  4. Send this to that ONE
    28th Jun 2009 07:14
    15 years, 5 months & 30 days ago
  5. Very amusing
    12th Jun 2009 18:10
    15 years, 6 months & 15 days ago
  6. Valentine Day Special
    14th Feb 2009 11:46
    15 years, 10 months & 11 days ago
  7. Thank you to everyone
    28th Dec 2008 20:32
    15 years, 11 months & 28 days ago
  8. I'd be this boyfriend.
    26th Dec 2008 19:41
    16 years ago
  9. 38 Things Girls Don't Realize
    23rd Dec 2008 10:04
    16 years & 3 days ago
  10. A fraction of a second...
    23rd Dec 2008 09:45
    16 years & 3 days ago