Ok Ok, I'm Back

16 years, 2 months & 15 days ago
20th Dec 2008 19:02Might as well go ahead and come out and say it, I'm back, I'm here, which ever. I've been a little sick, and finals are over, so instead of stairing at the ceiling in bed I've been goofing off on the computer. Since I wanted to write code, I came here.
Note - If you have an 'order' going with me, the best way to get it done faster is to be online when I am, which is most of the day. Usually I need to ask you stuff, and if you're not online, I can't get any answers, so I can't really do much. So, if you think I'm taking too long, get online when I am, stay online, and answer your MM's.
I can edit images and write code.... which means I'm good for fixing layouts, making layouts, and siggies. I would point you to examples if I had a finished site layout that I liked.
ABOUT THE GIMP TUT - I am writing it between making layouts while people aren't online... so if I'm online and like no one else is, then I'm probably working on it, since I don't need to talk to anyone to work on it.
Just a random note, if you don't say anything for a while, and I go offline, it's because I got bored and tired and laid down in my bed. I should be back in no more than 8hr.s
Today/now is saturday for me. Sunday I'm packing, and Monday I'm going home. This means don't expect me online much after a point on Sunday, since the desktop needs packed up. I'll be back up and running on Tuesday at the latest.
Ok, I think that about covers the bases.... so I'm going to go do stuffs now.