Items I need...
17 years, 5 months & 6 days ago
25th Jul 2007 07:55 I collect Pearls in my Gallery and I need:
~Devil Pearl
~Digital Pearl
~Halloween Pearl
~Insideout Pearl
~Jenoa Pearl
~Light Pearl
~Pearl with a Hat
~Princess Pearl
~Punk Pearl
~Recycled Pearl
~Robot Pearl
~Seasonal Pearl
~Skater Pearl
~Tomato Pearl
I also need some plushies:
~Mutant Quell Plshie
~Plushie Quell Plushie
And some Glowing Eggs:
~Glowing Hairy Egg
~Glowing Melted Egg
~Glowing Seasonal Egg
~Glowing Space Egg
~Glowing Wizard Egg
If you have any of them for sale please maramail me and I may buy them from you. Thanks!