Bandit and Tinker
16 years, 1 month & 6 days ago
7th Dec 2008 19:07 12/7/08
My dog Bandit died and I saw her die.
She was a great dog and I miss her. She is going to be burried with all my other families dogs (Aunt's, Uncles, Grandparents, and other family memebers). I will always love her.
Best dog
a dog who was at my side
never stopped having fun
dog of love and happiness
i love you
to the dog I will always love
R.I.P Bandit
_???_???___???_ ???_ ???Bandit???
???___???_???___??? This is
_???_Bandit_???_ For my
__??? _____???__ Dog!
___???___???___ Don't
____???_???___ Steal!
_____??? ____ Thanks!
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My sister's boyfriend's aunt's dog Tinker Bell had to be put down. She was such a sweet dog.