It's almost Christmas!
16 years, 1 month & 12 days ago
1st Dec 2008 14:09 I gotz to get my friends things.
NO LE stuff, okay?
Also some of this will be REALLY late pressies.
If I put you're name up here tell me what you want.
If I forgot jooz then remind me.
Kate- Island Shells sent. :]
Max- I know what I'm getting you. It's a secret. >:]
Cass- Can of Fish Eyes has been sent to imsass- Sell them or whateva, I dun care. <3
Monki- Something that she will hate. x]
Hannah- I didn't forget you. =P I'm getting you a surprise pressie since you will forget to look here. xD
Maggie- Snookle Female Costume. Yup, that's right!
Whole club- I'm still working on that recycled costume. >:]