Me!!!!!!!!(It just keeps going..)!!!!!!!
16 years, 1 month & 19 days ago
24th Nov 2008 21:59 Okay, this is all about me;
1. I am a million years old.
2. You all must bow down and worship my greatness.
3. If you send me snot pie, I swear that I will hunt you down and I will kill you...
4. I will curse your best pet if you do not sit down and eat my fabulous Rila pie. XD
5. Ignore rule number four.
6. I always send gifts to many people, so here is what I want..
-Dukka Coins
-Anything else really 'cept Snot pies..
7. I love Maramails.
8. I do curse pets, if someone gives me PMS by not buying my items in my shop. I have my ways of knowing who comes and goes.
9. By the way, my name IS Rila. You shall call me that or write "Almighty Snot Pie Hater", whichever you please.
Ask me any questions below...