17 years, 5 months & 26 days ago
22nd Jul 2007 20:25 How much fun are they. I'll try not to be offensive. I don't mean this about any guys out there on marapets. I'm talking about a couple boys from church! So, there's this boy, let's call him Jason. So, I went to Super Summer. I was sitting with my friend, let's call her Blaire. Well Blaire and my other friend, let's call him Johnny, were talking about me and Jason. We were Catty-Corner Jason and Johnny. So, I was on the outside seat, aisle seat and Jason was on the inside seat, window seat. So, we were kinda talking and then Blaire was Window and Johnny was aisle. See, Jason likes me. But, I like Jason. He was supposed to ask me out and I'm just not ready for a relationship. If you get me. My sis is leaving for college soon and I just don't want to do this right now. Also, I want to get to know him better. I've only known him about two months now and We are just beginning to be friends. I'm just not ready, but I still like him. So, the day he was supposed to ask me out I told my friend, let's call her Lizzy. I told Lizzy to tell him I'm not ready and just wanna be friends. Well, he was like okay and this was at lunch and then he just kept eating and I felt really bad. But, I wasn't there so this is what she told me. So, then I saw him at free time and we had team games going on and we were in the stands. He comes and sits right next to me. AkWaRd! Right? I know. So, ya... We're friends. I still like him and I have absolutely no idea if he still likes me. But, he does flirt a lot with me... That's fine by me!!! I actually like it. Ya, so if you have any advice. Please comment and tell me. I need it.