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  1. Scary Shmit!
    3rd Sep 2009 09:45
    15 years, 1 month & 2 days ago
  2. Luffernugget!
    20th May 2009 15:09
    15 years, 4 months & 16 days ago
  3. All Phobias
    19th Nov 2008 18:01
    15 years, 10 months & 15 days ago
  4. About me:
    15th Sep 2008 05:10
    16 years & 20 days ago
  5. Lovers/stalkers
    28th Jul 2008 10:40
    16 years, 2 months & 8 days ago
All Phobias
15 years, 10 months & 15 days ago
19th Nov 2008 18:01

Achluophobia - Fear of darkness.
Acrophobia - Fear of heights. Agliophobia - Fear of pain.
Agoraphobia - Fear of open spaces or crowds.
Aichmophobia - Fear of needles or pointed objects.
Amaxophobia - Fear of riding in a car.
Androphobia - Fear of men. Anginophobia - Fear of angina or choking.
Anthrophobia - Fear of flowers. Anthropophobia - Fear of people or society.
Aphenphosmphobia - Fear of being touched.
Arachnophobia - Fear of spiders. Arithmophobia - Fear of numbers.
Astraphobia - Fear of thunder and lightening.
Ataxophobia - Fear of disorder or untidiness.
Atelophobia - Fear of imperfection.
Atychiphobia - Fear of failure.
Autophobia - Fear of being alone.
Angrophobia - Fear of anger or of becoming angry.
Ankylophobia- Fear of immobility of a joint.
Antlophobia- Fear of floods.
Anuptaphobia- Fear of staying single.
Apeirophobia- Fear of infinity.

Bacteriophobia - Fear of bacteria.
Barophobia - Fear of gravity.
Bathmophobia - Fear of stairs or steep slopes.
Batrachophobia - Fear of amphibians.
Belonephobia - Fear of pins and needles.
Bibliophobia - Fear of books.
Botanophobia - Fear of plants.


Cacophobia - Fear of ugliness.
Catagelophobia - Fear of being ridiculed.
Catoptrophobia - Fear of mirrors.
Chionophobia - Fear of snow.
Chromophobia - Fear of colors.
Cnidophobia- Fear of stings.
Cometophobia- Fear of comets.
Coimetrophobia- Fear of cemeteries.
Cathisophobia- Fear of sitting.
Cremnophobia- Fear of precipices.
Cryophobia- Fear of extreme cold, ice or frost.
Chronomentrophobia - Fear of clocks.
Claustrophobia - Fear of confined spaces.
Coulrophobia - Fear of clowns.
Cyberphobia - Fear of computers.
Cynophobia - Fear of dogs.


Dendrophobia - Fear of trees.
Dentophobia - Fear of dentists.
Domatophobia - Fear of houses.
Dystychiphobia - Fear of accidents.
Doraphobia- Fear of fur or skins of animals.
Doxophobia- Fear of expressing opinions or of receiving praise.
Dromophobia- Fear of crossing streets.
Dutchphobia- Fear of the Dutch.
Dysmorphophobia- Fear of deformity


Ecophobia - Fear of the home.
Elurophobia - Fear of cats.
Entomophobia - Fear of insects.
Ephebiphobia - Fear of teenagers.
Equinophobia - Fear of horses.
Ereuthrophobia- Fear of blushing.
Emetophobia- Fear of vomiting.
Enetophobia- Fear of pins.
Enochlophobia- Fear of crowds.
Ecclesiophobia- Fear of church.


Febriphobia or Fibriphobia or Fibriophobia- Fear of fever.
Felinophobia- Fear of cats.
(Ailurophobia, Elurophobia, Galeophobia, Gatophobia)
Francophobia- Fear of France or French culture.


Gamophobia - Fear of marriage.
Genuphobia - Fear of knees.
Glossophobia - Fear of speaking in public.
Gynophobia - Fear of women.
Geliophobia - Fear of laughter.
Geniophobia - Fear of chins.
Genophobia - Fear of sex.
Genuphobia - Fear of knees.
Gymnophobia - Fear of nudity.


Heliophobia - Fear of the sun.
Hemophobia - Fear of blood.
Herpetophobia - Fear of reptiles.
Hippophobia - Fear of horses. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - Fear of long words.
Hobophobia - Fear of bums or beggars.
Hodophobia - Fear of road travel.
Hormephobia - Fear of shock. Homichlophobia - Fear of fog.
Homilophobia - Fear of sermons.
Hominophobia - Fear of men.
Hydrophobia - Fear of water.


Iatrophobia - Fear of doctors.
Insectophobia - Fear of insects. Ichthyophobia - Fear of fish.
Ideophobia - Fear of ideas.
Illyngophobia - Fear of vertigo or feeling dizzy when looking down.
Iophobia - Fear of poison


Japanophobia - Fear of Japanese.
Judeophobia - Fear of Jews.


Koinoniphobia - Fear of rooms.
Katagelophobia - Fear of ridicule.
Kathisophobia - Fear of sitting down.
Kenophobia - Fear of voids or empty spaces.
Kopophobia - Fear of fatigue.
Koniophobia - Fear of dust.
(Amathophobia) Kosmikophobia - Fear of cosmic phenomenon.
Kymophobia - Fear of waves.
(Cymophobia) Kynophobia - Fear of rabies.
Kyphophobia - Fear of stooping


Leukophobia - Fear of the color white.
Lockiophobia - Fear of childbirth.
Ligyrophobia - Fear of loud noises.
Lilapsophobia - Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes.
Limnophobia - Fear of lakes.
Linonophobia - Fear of string.
Liticaphobia - Fear of lawsuits.


Mageirocophobia - Fear of cooking.
Melanophobia - Fear of the color black.
Microphobia - Fear of small things.
Mysophobia - Fear of dirt and germs.
Misophobia or Mysophobia - Fear of being contaminated with dirt or germs.
Mnemophobia - Fear of memories.
Molysmophobia or Molysomophobia - Fear of dirt or contamination.
Monophobia - Fear of solitude or being alone.
Monopathophobia - Fear of definite disease.
Motorphobia - Fear of automobiles.
Mottephobia - Fear of moths.
Musophobia or Muriphobia - Fear of mice.


Necrophobia - Fear of death or dead things.
Noctiphobia - Fear of the night.
Novercaphobia - Fear of your step-mother.
Nucleomituphobia - Fear of nuclear weapons.
Nudophobia - Fear of nudity.
Numerophobia - Fear of numbers.
Nephophobia - Fear of clouds.
Nosocomephobia - Fear of hospitals.


Obesophobia - Fear of gaining weight.
Octophobia - Fear of the figure 8.
Ombrophobia - Fear of rain.
Oneirophobia- Fear of dreams.
Oneirogmophobia- Fear of wet dreams.
Onomatophobia- Fear of hearing a certain word or of names.
Ophidiophobia - Fear of snakes.
Ornithophobia - Fear of birds.
Ochlophobia- Fear of crowds.
Ochophobia- Fear of vehicles.


Papyrophobia - Fear of paper.
Pathophobia - Fear of disease.
Pedophobia - Fear of children.
Philophobia - Fear of love.
Phobophobia - Fear of phobias.
Podophobia - Fear of feet.
Patroiophobia- Fear of heredity.
Parturiphobia- Fear of childbirth.
Porphyrophobia - Fear of the color purple.
Pteridophobia - Fear of ferns.
Pteromerhanophobia - Fear of flying.
Pyrophobia - Fear of fire.


Ranidaphobia- Fear of frogs.
Rectophobia- Fear of rectum or rectal diseases.
Rhypophobia- Fear of defecation.
Rhytiphobia- Fear of getting wrinkles.
Rupophobia- Fear of dirt.


Scolionophobia - Fear of school.
Selenophobia - Fear of the moon.
Sociophobia - Fear of social evaluation.
Somniphobia - Fear of sleep.
Scotomaphobia- Fear of blindness in visual field.
Scotophobia- Fear of darkness.
Scriptophobia- Fear of writing in public.
Selachophobia- Fear of sharks.
Selaphobia- Fear of light flashes.
Seplophobia- Fear of decaying matter.
Sesquipedalophobia- Fear of long words.
Sexophobia- Fear of the opposite sex.
Soteriophobia - Fear of dependence on others.
Spacephobia- Fear of outer space.
Spectrophobia- Fear of specters or ghosts.
Spermatophobia - Fear of germs.
Spheksophobia- Fear of wasps. Stasibasiphobia - Fear of standing or walking.
Staurophobia- Fear of crosses or the crucifix.
Stenophobia- Fear of narrow things or places.
Stygiophobia - Fear of hell.
Suriphobia- Fear of mice.
Symbolophobia- Fear of symbolism.
Symmetrophobia- Fear of symmetry.
Syngenesophobia- Fear of relatives.


Tachophobia - Fear of speed.

Technophobia - Fear of technology.

Tonitrophobia - Fear of thunder. Trypanophobia - Fear of injections.
Taeniophobia or Teniophobia- Fear of tapeworms.

Taphephobia Taphophobia- Fear of being buried alive or of cemeteries.

Tapinophobia- Fear of being contagious.
Taurophobia- Fear of bulls.

Theatrophobia- Fear of theatres.
Theologicophobia- Fear of theology.
Theophobia- Fear of gods or religion.
Thermophobia- Fear of heat.

Tocophobia- Fear of pregnancy or childbirth.

Tomophobia- Fear of surgical operations.
Tuberculophobia- Fear of tuberculosis.
Tyrannophobia- Fear of tyrants.


Uranophobia or Ouranophobia- Fear of heaven.

Urophobia- Fear of urine or urinating.


Venustraphobia - Fear of beautiful women.
Verminophobia - Fear of germs.
Vaccinophobia- Fear of vaccination.
Verbophobia- Fear of words.
Vestiphobia- Fear of clothing.

Virginitiphobia- Fear of rape.
Vitricophobia- Fear of step-father.


Wiccaphobia - Fear of witches and witchcraft.

Walloonphobia- Fear of the Walloons.


Xenophobia - Fear of strangers or foreigners.

Xanthophobia- Fear of the color yellow or the word yellow.

Xenoglossophobia- Fear of foreign languages.

Xyrophobia-Fear of razors.
Xerophobia- Fear of dryness.


Zoophobia - Fear of animals.

Zelophobia- Fear of jealousy.

Zeusophobia- Fear of God or gods.

Zemmiphobia- Fear of the great mole rat.

Cathisophobia- Fear of sitting
Chromophobia - Fear of colors
Chronomentrophobia - Fear of clocks
Domatophobia - Fear of houses.
Genuphobia - Fear of knees.
Gymnophobia - Fear of nudity.
Urophobia-Fear of urine or urinating
These must be hard to live with.
110 years, 11 months & 13 days ago 23rd Oct 2013 12:34

I know, right?
115 years, 2 months & 1 day ago 5th Aug 2009 16:07
Urophobia-Fear of urine or urinating
Wow, that must be hard to live with!! XD
115 years, 2 months & 8 days ago 29th Jul 2009 06:26
Probably, Niki!

I think everybody has a fear of vomiting.
115 years, 2 months & 21 days ago 16th Jul 2009 15:13
Emetophobia- Fear of vomiting.

I have that.
115 years, 4 months & 26 days ago 9th May 2009 20:18
Sexophobia- Fear of the opposite sex.

ahahahahahahahahahaha do i have that because I'm scared of Jerry? lol jay kay
115 years, 6 months & 14 days ago 23rd Mar 2009 13:07
Hahahathankr XD
115 years, 6 months & 17 days ago 19th Mar 2009 17:35
You think whoever has vestiphobia is a nudeist?
Wouldn't it be weird if he was friends with someone with Gymnophobia...?

I have:
and a slight fear of drops.
115 years, 6 months & 18 days ago 19th Mar 2009 14:50
115 years, 6 months & 20 days ago 17th Mar 2009 13:03
OKay now take::
Coulrophobia - Fear of clowns
Belonephobia - Fear of pins and needles
Arachnophobia - Fear of spiders

then multiply it by a thousand then you get me
115 years, 6 months & 29 days ago 7th Mar 2009 16:54
  1. Scary Shmit!
    3rd Sep 2009 09:45
    15 years, 1 month & 2 days ago
  2. Luffernugget!
    20th May 2009 15:09
    15 years, 4 months & 16 days ago
  3. All Phobias
    19th Nov 2008 18:01
    15 years, 10 months & 15 days ago
  4. About me:
    15th Sep 2008 05:10
    16 years & 20 days ago
  5. Lovers/stalkers
    28th Jul 2008 10:40
    16 years, 2 months & 8 days ago