1 mil mp [x] 2 mil mp [x] 5 mil mp [x] 10 mil mp [x ] 15 mil mp [ ] 100 clothes [x] 200 clothes [x] 300 clothes [x] All Rapunzel Dresses [ ] 10 Dukka Coin [x] 20 Dukka Coin [x] 100 Dukka Coin [x thanks to King Baspinar!] Get to level 15 on any of my pet's jobs [ ] 50 cans recycled [x] 100 cans recycled [ ] Get any LE pet [x] Every plushie in my gallery (I know that sounds impossible, but I will do it) [ ]
that is amazing! how can u do that?
115 years, 6 months & 4 days ago 23rd Jun 2009 10:24
Hey. GL.
Gimme monay
115 years, 11 months & 23 days ago 2nd Jan 2009 09:18