hot boy test
16 years, 3 months & 9 days ago
19th Sep 2008 03:23 This is MY hot guy test, this is how i see if guys are cute,
guys, please copy your answers off the test and paste them on my comments, GO!
What color is your hair?
Whats your real name? (first only please)
How old are you?
Do you wear glasses?
Do you have freckles?
Whats your favorate house pet?
Are you daring?
Are you jelous?
Do you have a: six pack, four pack, two pack, none
What activities do you enjoy?
Whats your fav show?
Are you fun?
Are you active?
How often are you on mara?
Girls are like apples on a tree, the best ones are on top, when a boy comes to pick them off, he goes for the rotten ones one the ground because he is afraid of falling and getting hurt, or heart broken to find out that inside the good apples there is a worm,
a peace of advise for guys is,
go for the top ones, if its worth it, it might be, but first carefully ubserve the "apple" your after, whatch out for "worms" (the evilness that is inside the beautifu girls)
so guys, go for the top! even if it means breaking a bone! (your heart) lol!