My Warrior Charries and a story
16 years, 3 months & 14 days ago
15th Sep 2008 14:33 Name: Foxpaw
Age: 9 moons
Gender: SHe-cat
Looks: fox red coat and white tipped tail with amber eyes
Clan: Thunderclan
Rank: apprentice
Mentor: SpiritSeeker
Other: Parents died in a ThunderPath accident, her parents were FlamePelt and SunMask
Name: Spirifrom out of spacecher
Age: 16 moons
Gender: Tom
Looks: light gray with black flecks, blue eyes
Clan: Thunderclan
Rank: warrior
Apprentice: FoxPaw
Other: Is HowlStar's son, his mom dead kitting him, her name was DarkSpot
Name: HowlStar
Age: 24 moons
Gender: Tom
Looks: Dark brown pelt with peircing light blue eyes. His tail was cut in half after a ThunderPath accident
Clan: Thunderclan
Rank: Leader
Other: Is SPirifrom out of spacecher father, mate dead kitting Spirifrom out of spacecher, her name was DarkSpot
More Charries Coming Soon
FoxKit yawned in the nursery, she sat up and looked around. "Mommy? Dad?" she meowed when her parrents wernt there. FoxKit got up and looked aorund, all the other kits were sleeping.
FlamePelt and SunMask were doing a patrol with HowlFur, the deputy, FlamePelt's bright orange fur, and SunMask's ginger red fur, gleemed in the sun light. HowlFur sniffed and spit "ShadowClan". They padded closer towered the borrder to see what was happinging.
FoxKit sat down with a huff. She was frusteted. SilverHeart, padded over to her and purred "Whats ruffling your fur, little one?" FoxKit turned in surprise, the pregnet she-cat had never spoken to her before. "I cant find FlamePelt or SunMask!!" FoxPaw complained
FlamePelt yowled in alarm when he saw the shadow clan warriors with a pile of prey, their prey!! He rushed forward and pounced onto a small looking tabby. SunMask also ran. Soon most of the shadow clan warriors were retreting. SunMask saw one carring prey over the thunder path, she yowled in rage and raced after the small calico.
SilverHeart's tail curled in amusment and mewed "They probly went on a pratrol. I bet SunMask begged to go, she hates being cooped up in the nursery. FoxPaw nodded in doubt but shrugged "Want me to get you some fresh kill?" SilverHeart nodded. FoxKit padded out of the nursery.
"SUNMASK!!" FlamePelt yowled and ran after his mate. SunMask turned to face a monster screaming towereds the mates and the shadow clan warrior. HowlFur watched in horror. The monster raced forward. HowlFur ran forward and tried to push the two out of the way, but misses and pushes the shadow clan warrior insted. The monster rolls past. HowlFur got up. His tail was burning in pain, he turned to see why, and to his horror, the monster and ranover half his tail, severing it.
FoxKit got a mouse and bit into its skin. SHe smiled and ate the rest. She got a big rabbit for SilverHeart.
HowlFur looked at the bodys of his two clan-mates. He cried out with shock and greif when he saw SunMask, for he had loved her with all his heart, but she choose FlamePelt. He had always watched the firey red tom with envy. He looked around for any sign of monsters and grabed the two squeshed bodys. He ran back to camp, dragging them along, his eyes streaming for tears, not for FlamePelt, but for SunMask. He got to camp and started to pant hard. He droped the bodys in the middle of camp.
((More Coming Soon))