good or bad?
16 years, 4 months & 2 days ago
13th Sep 2008 13:22 here is a quiz.
someone breaks their leg at school. Do u...
a. take them 2 the office call then leave
b.take them 2 the office and call the ambulance and stay there 2 make the person feel better
when u listen 2 music is there....
a. a lot of bad words
b. only a few or none
do u go 2 curch?
a. no
b. yes
would u rather wear...
a. hot colors(like red orange yellow ect.
b. cool colors(blue green puple white ect.)
Would u rather....
a.Break somthing breakable
b.steal a car
mostly a's bad,bad,bad!!! u r a DEVIL!!!
mostly b's good job!!! U r a ANGEL!!!
a's and b's your inbetween.