Support note to Ian...
16 years, 4 months & 17 days ago
30th Aug 2008 00:19 I replied to what you wrote in the post you made but you haven't been back yet. So I guess I'll make a new post about it. You said that if the move doesn't work that you're so frustrated that you're ready to quit. I myself would not like that but who am I anyways.
Still if you're willing to take advice there are many options you can have rather than abandoning the site you spent years working on. For example get someone to help who you know is going to handle it well, like a family member or a very close friend you can trust; you should still be active in it. Marapets will never be the same without you. If you should come to the line where you want to just walk away think that many people's lives are going to be destroyed, mine included. This is not just a game, this is a big part of my life. When you speak to people with feelings and help each other achieve goals it is no longer a game, it is more like a race in a marathon.
My life is tough and I come here to entertain myself and escape the everyday problems I face. And we ALL want to have you around until you have so many gray hairs you can even write a book about it. Don't give up, Marapets has been in the News and has made it to big sites like youtube and myspace. Your work has been astounding, it would be a shame to lose someone like you. A great leader.