PET VALUE Chibs 5.5-6 mil Daisy 500K Dakota 2.8-3.5 mil Ercuw 12 mil Huthiq 500-600k Kronk 1-1.2 mil Lati 5-5.5 mil Mordo 9.5mil Oglue 1-1.2mil Phanty 600-650k+ Poera 650-700k Quell 3.5-4mil Rofling 25 mil Rusty 2.5-3 mil Sindi 2.5-3 mil Snookle 2.5-3mil Troit 3 mil Viotto 10-12mil Yuni 8mil Zoink 1 mil Zoosh 2mil
nooooo! how am i ever gonna get a phanty if the cost that much??????!!!!!!!!
116 years, 3 months & 14 days ago 13th Sep 2008 11:08