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  1. how we can get dream pets
    7th Jul 2007 08:50
    17 years, 6 months & 11 days ago
how we can get dream pets
17 years, 6 months & 11 days ago
7th Jul 2007 08:50

This is a lon blog so read it all. It's all about dream pets.

note: this was ALL by insignia. mail HER if you want to donate to this fund. this is HER idea =p copy and paste this blog into your own if you want to help!
I was thinking a bit last night [oh my gosh] and we have about 2 mil people playing Mara, correct?
And I've been seeing a lot of dream pet funds lately. Yes?
So I decided I wanna start something long-term.
I figured if each player donates 25 mp - a tiny amount - we'll have 50 mil marapoints to grant dream pets.
Awesome, yes? xD
If even only half donates 25 - we'll have 25 mil. Crazy, isn't it? This isn't a scam - and even if it were, it's only 25 mp.
So just maramail me if you'd like to donate.
As soon as this gets rolling I'll be taking requests on dream pets - so watch out for the boards!

chasingserenity-baby renate
LadyDragonRiderArya -underwater ideus
swbbangl- Underwater Pets
Ginger228- Angel Fasoro
koko334- Elf Pets
Asada981- Fairy Fasoro
izzyBELLA2598- Fairy Gonk
Insignia- Baby Knutt
chrispadgettluvr- Fire Ideus: ACHIEVED. Pet name: Flourery
Pinkfrog876- Baby Renat
rockyroad822- Love Tantua
imimek- Water Fassoro
jayun234- Princess Newth
jellybean624624-gothic fasror
chibichibimoon130-angel azul

MM me telling me what pet you want if i get it from the portal. I will reserve the pet, and IF i get it, i will be sure to send it to YOU, nobody else. I will list your name and dream pet above, so nobody else can reserve the same pet. This is first come first serve. You may tell me to reserve a certain costume. Ex. Fairy if the pet though, turns into a Fairy Gonk, and somebody reserved that, then they person with 'Fairy Gonk' gets it. my portal pet is krispykris

  1. how we can get dream pets
    7th Jul 2007 08:50
    17 years, 6 months & 11 days ago