16 years, 5 months & 9 days ago
26th Jul 2008 19:46 Out on a Saturday night
With your friends
You think this is cool
But this is the end.
Have a couple beers
Go to the bar
And all those cheers
Thinking how cool you are
Night is getting better
When you are drunk
All your friends laugh
Cause they smell like a skunk
You get into a car
With a lot of beers
When everything starts spinning
You think of your 16 years
Now your driving
You see a bright light
You turn very quickly
With all your might
Your friends are laughing
Cause they are high
They say a lot of stuff
Like they want to fly
You keep driving on the road
When you see a flash
You start to scream
Because you had a crash
You are in the hospital
With something on your head
You ask are the others okay
The nurse says they...'re dead
The nurse says you...'re bleeding
So you start to cry
That very night
You die
This is what happens
when you drink and drive
If I were you
I would want to stay alive
Choose positive influences!
Copy and paste this on ur blog or profile