1.What is your favorite shape out of these? A.Square B.Star C.Cirlce
2.How are you most like a dog? A.you shake your behind ( wag your tail ) B.You bark a random people C.You dont think you are at all
3.If you were a color what color would you be? A.Blue B.Black C.Orange
4.Do you want to be a ninja? A.Maybe B.YES!!! C.Nah.Its too dangerous.
5.Whats your favorite animal? A.Dog B.An ninja pig! C.Fish
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Answer Guide ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copy and paste this to your Siggy or Profile.
Mostly A's: [img]http://i334.photobucket.com/albums/m404/arob9009/crazy.gif[/img]I Took iRulez96's How Crazy Are You? Quiz And Im Not That Crazy.Find Out How Crazy You Are Today!
Mosty B's: [img]http://i333.photobucket.com/albums/m389/popcorn1492/Icons/hundredkindsofcrazy.jpg[/img]I Took iRulez96's How Crazy Are You? Quiz And I Am CR-AZ-EY! Find Out How Crazy You Are Today!
Mostly C's: [img]http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc15/CherryGirl707/Rainbow_Peace_Sign.jpg[/img]I Took iRulez96's How Crazy Are You? Quiz And Im A Peaceful Person.Find Out How Crazy You Are Today!
Thank You! Come Again!
~~~~~~~~ MY ANSWERZ ~~~~~~~~~
B. B. B. A. B.
116 years, 5 months & 4 days ago 26th Jul 2008 17:03
Sorry Poke that. It took me awhile to make the quiz and the answer guide. So plz enjoy! If you have any suggestions for anything just mm me. For example. quiz ideas. club ideas. etc.
116 years, 5 months & 4 days ago 26th Jul 2008 13:02
It took me a while to make thins and do the copy and paste things
116 years, 5 months & 4 days ago 26th Jul 2008 12:59