Heart on My Sleeve
8 years, 2 months & 9 days ago
5th Nov 2016 12:08 Everyday when I awake, I am given a renewed gift. His name is Grant. He is my very best friend, my confidant, my hero and my sanctuary.
We have not had the perfect life. We are just like everyone else who struggles day to day. We have been through everything a couple can possibly go through in our nearly 24 years together. Life, death, sickness,and health, richer and poorer, there even was a time of infidelity too that we worked through together. The point is, even when times were hard we bonded tighter. We talked about our problems. We worked together through each other's weaknesses and that made us stronger!
I have lived with Grant longer than anyone else in my life. I love him like no other person will or ever can. And I can honestly say he feels the same about me.
This year, 2016 has been bittersweet for us. We had many changes in our life. Some good and some not so good. I know the good things in our life are a direct result of his illness. He bought me a new home, car, furniture because he wanted me cared for in case something happens to him. I hate that he feels this way but I love him even more. He is not in any danger of leaving me soon, however his heart was in the right place.
I love this man more than I can put into words. My life has been made better just by his being a part of it.
Everyday I am given a renewed gift. He is my husband.