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  1. My Pokemon
    11th Aug 2016 00:22
    8 years, 5 months & 3 days ago
  2. Pet Trades and Renames
    7th Mar 2013 04:44
    11 years, 10 months & 7 days ago
  3. Basil Photos I need
    26th Mar 2011 16:56
    13 years, 9 months & 19 days ago
  4. Plushie Machine Blog...Again
    9th Jul 2010 16:12
    14 years, 6 months & 6 days ago
  5. Portal/Whirlpool
    2nd Mar 2009 05:07
    15 years, 10 months & 12 days ago
  6. Temple of Transubstantiation Log
    4th Feb 2009 00:25
    15 years, 11 months & 8 days ago
  7. Plushie Machine 2
    31st Jan 2009 23:11
    15 years, 11 months & 11 days ago
  8. Pet Trades
    16th Jan 2009 23:06
    15 years, 11 months & 26 days ago
  9. Finished Blitzen
    17th Dec 2008 10:54
    16 years & 25 days ago
  10. Plushie Machine
    11th Jun 2008 18:47
    16 years, 7 months & 2 days ago
Plushie Machine
16 years, 7 months & 2 days ago
11th Jun 2008 18:47

I'm going to be moving the claw RIGHT every time.

1. Red Chibs Plushie!
2. You found 131MP!
3. Orange Leido Plushie!
4. Purple Grint Plushie!
5. Blue Poera Plushie!
6. Red Poera Plushie!
7. dropped it!
8. dropped it!
9. dropped it!
10. White Quell Plushie!
11. Green Zetlian Plushie!

1. Baby Quell Plushie!
2. Enchanted Black Gonk Plushie!
3. Gothic Tantua Plushie!
4. You found 162MP!
5. You found 153MP!
6. Mutant Bolimo Plushie!
7. Blue Walee Plushie!
8. Gold Grint Plushie!
9. You found 81MP!
10. dropped it!
11. You found 98MP!
12. You found 85MP!

1. Black Gonk Plushie!
2. Green Yakubi Plushie!
3. Red Zetlian Plushie!
4. Enchanted Yellow Walee Plushie!
5. Enchanted Black Bolimo Plushie!
6. dropped it!
7. You found 133MP!
8. Enchanted Red Leido Plushie!
9. Enchanted Purple Paffuto Plushie!
10. Yellow Chibs Plushie!
11. You found 75MP!
12. Enchanted Green Gonk Plushie!
13. Purple Grint Plushie!
14. Yellow Sindi Plushie!
15. dropped it!
16. Enchanted Orange Jessup Plushie!
17. You found 167MP!
18. Bronze Viotto Plushie!
19. Funky Bolimo Plushie!
20. Grey Oglue Plushie!
21. Enchanted Red Addow Plushie!
22. Purple Ercuw Plushie!
23. You found 156MP!
24. You found 160MP!

1. dropped it!
2. You found 72MP!
3. Orange Grint Plushie!
4. You found 168MP!
5. Gothic Sindi Plushie!
6. Purple Gonk Plushie!
7. dropped it!
8. Enchanted Blue Doyle Plushie!

1. dropped it!
2. Checkered Oglue Plushie!
3. Red Ercuw Plushie!
4. You found 51MP!
5. Yellow Jessup Plushie!
6. dropped it!
7. Prison Quell Plushie!
8. Pink Azul Plushie!
9. dropped it!
10. Red Quell Plushie!
11. Prison Fasoro Plushie!
12. dropped it!
13. Yellow Addow Plushie!
14. You found 94MP!

1. dropped it!
2. Green Jessup Plushie!
3. Red Paffuto Plushie!
4. Orange Oglue Plushie!
5. You found 112MP!
6. You found 114MP!

1. Pirate Yakubi Plushie!
2. Radioactive Bolimo Plushie!
3. You found 107MP!
4. Prison Rofling Plushie!
5. Brown Rofling Plushie!
6. dropped it!
7. dropped it!
8. Prison Yakubi Plushie!
9. Orange Leido Plushie!
10. You found 244MP!
11. Green Feliz Plushie!
12. dropped it!
13. White Leido Plushie!
14. You found 231MP!
15. You found 54MP!

1. dropped it!
2. Yellow Huthiq Plushie!
3. Green Addow Plushie!
4. Blue Fasoro Plushie!
5. Green Sindi Plushie!
6. dropped it!
7. Mutant Tantua Plushie!
8. Green Doyle Plushie!
9. Enchanted Orange Feliz Plushie!
10. Red Azul Plushie!
11. Blue Ideus Plushie!
12. dropped it!

1. Cheese Poera Plushie!
2. You found 237MP!
3. Gold Viotto Plushie!
4. Enchanted Bronze Grint Plushie!
5. You found 85MP!
6. You found 173MP!
7. Enchanted Green Gonk Plushie!
8. Bronze Yakubi Plushie!

1. dropped it!
2. Angel Azul Plushie!
3. Purple Paffuto Plushie!
4. Red Xoi Plushie!
5. You found 89MP!
6. Zombie Xoi Plushie!

1. Blue Leido Plushie!
2. You found 119MP!
3. You found 224MP!
4. Orange Feliz Plushie!
5. Green Knutt Plushie!
6. You found 198MP!
7. dropped it!
8. dropped it!
9. You found 66MP!
10. Old Chibs Plushie!
11. You found 249MP!
12. Blue Huthiq Plushie!
13. dropped it!

1. Green Poera Plushie!
2. dropped it!
3. dropped it!

1. You found 69MP!
2. You found 79MP!
3. Blue Ercuw Plushie!

1. dropped it!
2. Enchanted Purple Gonk Plushie!

1. dropped it!
2. Radioactive Walee Plushie!
3. Purple Paffuto Plushie!
4. dropped it!
5. Orange Huthiq Plushie!
6. Digital Yakubi Plushie!
7. dropped it!
8. Yellow Xoi Plushie!
9. Enchanted Yellow Paffuto Plushie!
10. dropped it!
11. Yellow Fasoro Plushie!
12. Water Fasoro Plushie!
13. dropped it!
14. Prison Tantua Plushie!
15. Enchanted Red Doyle Plushie!
16. Yellow Zetlian Plushie!

1. You found 112MP!
2. You found 142MP!
3. dropped it!
4. Green Grint Plushie!
5. You found 210MP!
6. Pink Leido Plushie!
7. You found 51MP!
8. dropped it!
9. dropped it!
10. Black Chibs Plushie!
11. Gold Reese Plushie!
12. Enchanted Green Bolimo Plushie!
13. Snowy Addow Plushie!
14. Yellow Ideus Plushie!
15. dropped it!
16. Pink Leido Plushie!

1. Mutant Ercuw Plushie!

1. Enchanted Pink Gonk Plushie!
2. Red Zetlian Plushie!
3. Grey Gonk Plushie!

1. You found 103MP
2. dropped it!
3. dropped it!

1. You found 84MP!
2. You found 236MP!
3. dropped it!

1. dropped it!
2. Yellow Jessup Plushie!
3. Radioactive Jessup Plushie!
4. You found 176MP!
5. Shaved Chibs Plushie!
6. Yellow Sindi Plushie!
7. Mutant Grint Plushie!

1. dropped it!
2. Purple Ideus Plushie!
3. Enchanted Red Yakubi Plushie!
4. Digital Equilor Plushie!
5. Bronze Grint Plushie!
6. Green Newth Plushie!
7. Old Chibs Plushie!
8. You found 244MP!
9. Red Azul Plushie
10. dropped it!
11. You found 180MP!
12. Cheese Poera Plushie!
13. Mutant Chibs Plushie!
14. Silver Viotto Plushie!
15. dropped it!
16. Snowy Doyle Plushie!

1. You found 200MP!
2. dropped it!
3. Green Addow Plushie!
4. dropped it!

1. You found 158MP!
2. Grey Walee Plushie!
3. dropped it!
4. dropped it!
5. Purple Feliz Plushie!
6. Black Ercuw Plushie!
7. Red Jessup Plushie!
8. Purple Oglue Plushie!
9. Prison Poera Plushie!
10. Orange Gonk Plushie!
11. Yellow Equilor Plushie!
12. Red Yakubi Plushie!
13. Mermaid Zetlian Plushie!
14. dropped it!

1. Blue Zetlian Plushie!
2. Mutant Huthiq Plushie!
3. Devil Azul Plushie!
4. Enchanted Red Knutt Plushie!
5. dropped it!
6. Halloween Fasoro Plushie!
7. Blue Gonk Plushie!
8. You found 248MP!
9. dropped it!
10. Red Grint Plushie!
11. Green Knutt Plushie!

1. Cheese Fasoro Plushie!
2. Blue Ercuw Plushie!
3. Purple Leido Plushie!
4. Green Gonk Plushie!
5. dropped it!
6. dropped it!
7. You found 176MP!
8. Purple Jessup Plushie!

1. Yellow Ideus Plushie!
2. Green Knutt Plushie!
3. You found 177MP!
4. Red Poera Plushie!
5. Enchanted Pink Leido Plushie!
6. Snowy Doyle Plushie!
7. Yellow Oglue Plushie!

1. Radioactive Tantua Plushie!
2. Enchanted Red Gonk Plushie!
3. dropped it!
4. Bronze Yakubi Plushie!
5. Fairy Chibs Plushie!
6. Checkered Oglue Plushie!
7. You found 103MP!
8. dropped it!
9. Prison Grint Plushie!
10. Red Tantua Plushie!
11. You found 165MP!
12. Enchanted Red Ideus Plushie!

1. Radioactive Jessup Plushie!
2. You found 128MP!
3. You found 235MP!
4. You found 79MP!
5. dropped it!
6. Funky Addow Plushie!
7. Cheese Poera Plushie!

1. Enchanted Blue Equilor Plushie!
2. Enchanted Orange Paffuto Plushie
3. Prison Azul Plushie!
4. Green Quell Plushie!
5. Enchanted Purple Ideus Plushie!*
6. Blue Viotto Plushie!
7. Green Paffuto Plushie!
8. Wizard Addow Plushie!
9. You found 237MP!

1. Mutant Yakubi Plushie!
2. Red Reese Plushie!
3. Enchanted Blue Knutt Plushie!
4. Green Sindi Plushie!
5. Black Viotto Plushie!
6. dropped it!
7. dropped it!
8. dropped it!
9. dropped it!

1. Yellow Zetlian Plushie!
2. dropped it!
3. Yellow Yakubi Plushie!
4. dropped it!
5. You found 56MP!
6. Brown Reese Plushie!
7. White Oglue Plushie!

1. dropped it!
2. Black Gonk Plushie!

1. dropped it!
2. You found 62MP!

1. Space Azul Plushie!
2. dropped it!
3. Wizard Addow Plushie!
4. Red Addow Plushie!
5. Mutant Reese Plushie!
6. dropped it!
7. dropped it!
8. dropped it!
9. Rainbow Zetlian Plushie!
10. Red Feliz Plushie!

1. dropped it!
2. dropped it!
3. Red Fasoro Plushie!

1. Prison Equilor Plushie!
2. Blue Huthiq Plushie!
3. dropped it!
4. Green Ideus Plushie!
5. Enchanted Yellow Xoi Plushie!
6. dropped it!
7. You found 80MP!
8. Green Knutt Plushie!

1. Black Viotto Plushie!
2. Enchanted Red Addow Plushie!

1. Silver Bolimo Plushie!
2. Red Huthiq Plushie!

1. Red Huthiq Plushie!
2. Snowy Doyle Plushie!
3. dropped it!
4. Fire Tantua Plushie!
5. Green Knutt Plushie!
6. You found 58MP!
7. Enchanted White Gonk Plushie!
8. Green Huthiq Plushie!
9. Purple Ideus Plushie!
10. Enchanted Red Bolimo Plushie!
11. Purple Paffuto Plushie!
12. dropped it!
13. Pirate Reese Plushie!
14. Sketch Huthiq Plushie!
15. dropped it!
16. Mutant Reese Plushie!
17. Yellow Azul Plushie!

1. dropped it!

1. Prison Rofling Plushie!
2. dropped it!
3. dropped it!
4. White Gonk Plushie!
5. Enchanted Blue Addow Plushie!

1. Devil Mordo Plushie!

1. Enchanted Yellow Feliz Plushie!
2. You found 124MP!
3. Red Murfin Plushie!
4. You found 156MP!
5. Rainbow Zetlian Plushie!
6. Purple Addow Plushie!
7. Snowy Doyle Plushie!
8. Pink Zetlian Plushie!
9. dropped it!
10. Yellow Huthiq Plushie!
11. Mutant Azul Plushie!
12. Wizard Addow Plushie!

1. Enchanted Pink Murfin Plushie!

1. Orange Addow Plushie!
2. Enchanted Red Bolimo Plushie!

*I didn't update for a couple days*

1. Water Fasoro Plushie!
2. White Leido Plushie!

I've never got an LE enchanted... I wonder why...
114 years, 7 months & 12 days ago 3rd Jun 2010 04:18
whoa! guess you've got the longest list!
the only enc. plush i remembered it the enc. mutant reese plush! it helped me to get my first million!
115 years, 11 months & 15 days ago 28th Jan 2009 05:04
Yeah you can get Enchanted Le Plushies. A friend of mine got an Enchanted Orange Chibs Plushie. I am sooo jealous!
116 years ago 11th Jan 2009 21:32
can you get le enchanted plushie?
116 years, 3 months & 6 days ago 8th Oct 2008 02:34
wowee. i could never remember to record all those
116 years, 4 months & 18 days ago 26th Aug 2008 17:08
wow too many tries and no enchanted le plushie
116 years, 4 months & 20 days ago 24th Aug 2008 16:27
I wouldt have the patients.
116 years, 4 months & 24 days ago 20th Aug 2008 22:03
  1. My Pokemon
    11th Aug 2016 00:22
    8 years, 5 months & 3 days ago
  2. Pet Trades and Renames
    7th Mar 2013 04:44
    11 years, 10 months & 7 days ago
  3. Basil Photos I need
    26th Mar 2011 16:56
    13 years, 9 months & 19 days ago
  4. Plushie Machine Blog...Again
    9th Jul 2010 16:12
    14 years, 6 months & 6 days ago
  5. Portal/Whirlpool
    2nd Mar 2009 05:07
    15 years, 10 months & 12 days ago
  6. Temple of Transubstantiation Log
    4th Feb 2009 00:25
    15 years, 11 months & 8 days ago
  7. Plushie Machine 2
    31st Jan 2009 23:11
    15 years, 11 months & 11 days ago
  8. Pet Trades
    16th Jan 2009 23:06
    15 years, 11 months & 26 days ago
  9. Finished Blitzen
    17th Dec 2008 10:54
    16 years & 25 days ago
  10. Plushie Machine
    11th Jun 2008 18:47
    16 years, 7 months & 2 days ago