~Animal Testing~
16 years, 6 months & 19 days ago
10th Jun 2008 08:45 There was once a
cat who had a loving and caring home.
Her name was Stella. Her daily routene.
Stellas day!!
1.Eat breakfast.
2.Make dog bark.
3.Take 3 hr nap.
4.Eat lunch.
5.Look out window.
6.Eat dinner.
7.Go to bed.
Well one day she found herself in a van.
Then in a labratory.A docter took out a needle,she hissed and hissed. Even tried scraching him.But the needle shot in her fur. She was being tested for a brain scweesing device.It dug in her brain and killed her. Cops showed up and aressed him for killing animals.When they opend the door they saw a stream of blood and thats why I want to stop animl testing.
P.S. This is just an example of what I DON'T want to happen.