did you know
16 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
28th May 2008 13:11 1. It is impossible to lick your elbow
2. Barbies full name is Barbie Millicent Roberts
3. The egg came first.
4. thanks to animal crackers, 90% of children under the age of 6 think that a bear is as tall as a giraffe
5. Napoleon was terrified of cats
6. Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning.
7. If a native Hawaiian woman places the flower on her right ear, she is available. (The bigger the flower, the more desperate)
8. If an Amish man has a beard, he is married.
9. Every drop of seawater contains approximately 1 billion gold atoms.
10. there is a 95% chance that you licked your elbow after reading number 1
11. Abe Lincoln bought 50 cents worth of cocaine in 1860
12. 9 out of 10 people believe Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.This isn't true; Joseph Swan did.
13. On average, right-handed people tend to live 9 years longer than left-handed people (might not be fact)
14. A quarter has 119 grooves around the edge, but a dime has 118 grooves
15. No piece of normal-size paper can be folded in half more than 7 times.
16. The national orchestra of Monaco (a nation in Europe) has more individuals than its army.
17. TV acts as a pain-killer for children
18. The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.
19. A German ship in WWII had sank due to the malfunction of a toilet
20. The correct response to the Irish greeting, "Top of the morning to you," is "and the rest of the day to yourself."
repost for love,knoledge,and AWESOMENESS!