The Club of The Best
17 years, 8 months & 12 days ago
4th May 2007 18:54 A new club has been opened, *Marapets Inc.* If you need a good club with sctive members you have found the rite place.
Marapets Inc. is a great club.
It has:
-Avatar Lending
-Open Staff Positions
-Open Jobs (Paid
with Marapoints and itmes)
-Advice Column
-Newbie Pack
If you want to join and you are in another
club, Go to the club and
find CLub Links on the Left Hand Side. The
bottommost option should
say 'Leave
Club'. Then go to,
id=48887. Then you should see Club
Links again. And go to 'Join Club'
Hope to see you in *Marapets