Prices of Pets
16 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
27th May 2008 06:27 ???Daisy= 500K+
???Poera= 500-600k
???Phanty= 600k
???Oglue= 900k+
???Zoink= 900k -1 mil
???Dakota= 2.5-3 mil+
???Snookle 1.7-2 mil
???Troit= 2-3 mil
???Quell= 3 mil+
???Sindi= 3.2-3.5 mil
???Rusty= 3-4 mil
???Chibs= 3.5-4 mil+
???Lati= 4.4-5 mil
???Mordo= 8 mil+
???Yuni= 8 mil
???Viotto Plain 12 mil, others 14 mil+
???Ercuw= 8-10 mil+
???Rofling=20 mil
Costumes just do a PC in the price check forum for the current price range and
then add that to the cost of creating the pet.
zombie pets: The total value for these pets. Would be figured by adding the cost
of the poison to the cost of creating that particular pet.
What a stated none le needs to be to be worth an LE
???Poera, Phanty, huthiq,Daisy= 20+ stats
??? Kronk,Zoink Oglue= 30+ stats
???Snookle, Dakota= 35+ stats
???Quell= 40+ stats
???Rusty=45+ stats
???Latis= 50+ stats
???Chibs= 55+ stats
???Yuni= 65+ stats
???Mordos, Sindis= 75+ stats
???Ercuws=80+ stats
???Rofling= 140+ stats
what is a good stated pet and a baby stated pet is a matter up for debate, here is a bit of a guideline This could change as prices go up and down The Five main Stats include Level, Strength, speed, defence and Health.... Magic and Charisma are good as well but for the purpose of this guide they are not included
???baby stats-all five levels are 1-5
???slightly stated-all five levels are 6-10
???decent stated- all five levels are 11-20
???good stated-all five levels are 21-40
???well stated-all five levels are 41-70
???super stated- all five levels are 71 and above.
Angel 20 mil+
Armoured 700k-1 mil
Baby 20 mil+
Camouflage 12 mil+
Checkered 8 mil
Cheese Chinese 3 mil?
Chocolate 500-700k
Christmas 400-500k
Cottoncandy 300k
Dark 7-9 mil
Devil 400-500k
Eleka 700k-1 mil
Elf 3.5 mil
Enpiah 400-600k
Fairy 4-5 mil
Fat 300-400k
Fire 7 mil+
Funky 400-500k
Ghost 250k+
Glass 400k
Gothic 9 mil?
Halloween 3 mil
Hobo 4-5 mil
Ice 1 mil
Icefairy 400k
Insideout 400k
Light 500k
Lightening 500-800k
Love Mermaid 12 mil?
Millionaire 1 mil
Nefarious 400k
Old 8 mil
Pirate 2 mil
Pixie 400k
Plant 400k
Plushie 450k
Princess 600k
Punk 350k
Rainbow 20 mil
Recycled 250k+
Robot 500k
Rotten 400k
Royal 700k
School 400k
Seasonal 50 mil+
Skater 400k
Slime 400k
Starry 6 mil+
Stoneage 500k
Underwater 700k
Voodoo 1 mil
Water 13+ mil
Witch 1.75 mil
Wizard 14 mil