how to say stuff!
16 years, 7 months & 26 days ago
14th May 2008 16:16 Venni: ven-ee (random name)
Abhaya: Ab-eye-uh (random name)
Bhya: Buy-uh (based off "Abhaya" )
Bubbleigh: Bub-lay (based off Buble(boob-lay), a name my friend came up with )
Hillyz: Hill-ee-zee (based off "Hillel" )
Kayissa: kay-iss-uh (a nickname of mine)
Pony_Surprise: poh-nee-ser-prize (traded for her)
Vampeyere: vam-peye-er (based off vampire. pronounced the same, exept for more stress of the "ire" part)
sizzeleh: siz-leh (ADOPTED)
squirrlekit: skwir-uhl-kit (from the "Warriors" series)