16 years, 7 months & 21 days ago
12th May 2008 21:39 You guys most be wodering whats Star Testing well its the biggest thing in my whole life! Guess what its tomorrow YIKES!That test is gonna get me into college my kids in to college my kids kids into college my kidskidskiscollegeand my kidskidskidskids college WOAH! I know! I'm freaking out here!I shouldn't just take the test everyone should 2 see if your smart as a pikle LOL! (This is not the test just fake) 1.Whats your name:Stepfani2.How old are you:16.3.Is your mom your mom
uh3.Are you a human:Yep4.Are yoyu the sex you think you are:Yes last time I check of couseLOL5.Do you LOVE the Jonas Bros :Heck Yea6.Do you rock
h yea baby Yea I got 100% Oh yea it not my birthday but who cares uh huh go me go me! LOL I gotthis right and I hope I'll get the big test right Wish me luck!