Ainsley,Tippie,Thyne...and Me
16 years, 8 months & 9 days ago
19th Apr 2008 13:57 This is a story about a Lost Friend Named Ainsley789
And search for her:
Once i joined a club that tempted me .This was before i knew HTML...
Its Name was Rock Candy Beach.In the early days of Mara,When clothing was not cheap,and not as stylish as now.Most people were forced,themselves,to get a HTML or siggy job to earn money so they could feed thier pets and keep them happy,pay electricity bills,and other things.The only loss i could feel was haveing and inportant something.Me,Ainsley,and Tippie had become great friends.Then i was Co.Boss!A while later.I was hanging on edge...Ainsley deleted the club on accident.Soon later...she left Mara for Webkinz.A few weeks later i joined webkinz and we met,but never again could we talk to each oher.A year later.Surprizingly,Tippie had gotten banned for no reason.Completely,now she owns a whole other account,Thyne.Now,in search for some way to communicate to Ainsley789.
Please help us by donating plushies for people who have lost friends.A non-profit organasation called 'Ainsley Teddies' for the loss story of Ainsley.Im sure she would have appreciated you all much.