Pet Prices
16 years, 8 months & 11 days ago
18th Apr 2008 08:50 Poera= 400-500k+
Daisy= 500K+
Oglue= 800-900k+
Zoink= 900k -1 mil
Dakota= 2.8-3 mil+
Snookle= 2 mil
Lati= 4.7-5 mil
Mordo= 7-8 mil+
Ercuw= 10 mil+
Quell= 3-3.5 mil+
Sindi= 8-9 mil
Viotto= 9 - 11 mil
Yuni=7.5 -8 mil
Rofling=15 mil+
Chibs= 4 mil+
Rusty= 9 mil?? will more than likely
change once more people complete the mission.
Costumes just do a PC in the price check
forum for the current price range and
then add that to the cost of creating the pet.
Stats for Non Limited Edition to be worth Limited Edition pets.
****These stats will change as prices fluctuate constantly.****
Poera, Phanty, huthiq, Kronk,Zoink Oglue, Daisy= 20+ stats
Snookle, Dakota= 25+ stats
Quell= 35+ stats
Chibs= 50+ stats(will change if price goes up)
Latis= 45+ stats
Mordos, Sindis= 75+ stats
Yuni= 70+ stats
Viotto=90+, Ercuws=80+ stats
Rofling= 120+ stats
REMEMBER these do not include costumes, use the price check forum for the current price of a costume.
Here are the prices of stats as well.
10+ stats-400k
20+ stats-750k
30+ stats-1.25mil
40+ stats-1.7mil
50+ stats-2.25mil
60+ stats-3.25mil
70+ stats-4.5mil
80+ stats-5.75mil
90+ stats-7mil
100+ stats-8.5mil
110+ stats-11mil
120+ stats-13mil
130+ stats-15mil
140+ stats-18mil