17 years, 6 months & 26 days ago
21st Jun 2007 09:34 Well this is how I organize my gallery, but I'm not sure if it will help you at all. I have this written down on a piece of paper beside my computer:
[#1-29 I can see on the first page of organizing my gallery so I didn't write down those numbers, they are mostly LE plushies and potions]
female costumes - 30
male costumes - 31
dresses - 32
tops - 33
pants - 34
boots/shoes - 35
dukka coins - 36
decent potions [but non le] - 37
costumes - 40
enchanted plushies - 46
minipets - 50
crystals - 53
diamonds - 57
regular plushies [non enchanted but still cool haha] - 60
certificates - 63
trading cards - 65
scholarships - 68
poisons - 70
stamps - 73
books - 76
cds - 79
dvds - 81
photos - 84
weapons - 86
ice sculptures - 88
pearls - 90
glowing eggs - 92
burnt items - 93
spells - 94
dna - 96
referral prizes - 97
coupons - 98
potatoes - 99
random potions - 101-117
yarn - 118
fish minis - 120
game prizes - 150
banana items - 200
furniture - 201
pumpkins - 202
wallpaper - 206
candy dispensers - 207
lollies - 208
maps - 210
gumballs - 211
snowballs - 212
2005 advent items - 300
2006 advent items - 301
baspinar parts - 311
mission tshirts - 312
2006 easter eggs - 800
2007 easter eggs - 801
voodoo dolls - 997
stars - 998
roses - 999
concoctions - 1000
blood - 1005
undead mini parts - 1006
I leave a lot of open numbers because I find myself adding more and more categories to my gallery so it's very convenient not having to rearrange my gallery all the time, haha. I can just add another category to an unused number.