Elger Challenge
15 years, 8 months & 4 days ago
22nd Apr 2009 13:02 1) Reg Fries - 1700
Steam Crystal & 694mp
2) Thistle Hairdye - 1522
Yellow Pen - Attic
Red Grint Pen - Attic
Digital Crystal & 590mp
3) Bolimo Ruler - Attic
Shadow Crystal & 978mp
4) Mushroom Bed - Attic
Water Crystal & 929mp
5) Checkered Sleeved Top - Attic
White Chocolate Murfin - 6892
Energy Crystal & 712mp
6) Meat Pizza - Attic
Book of Time - 10000
Bolimo Notepad - Attic
Dark Crystal & 754mp
7) Charcoal Lipstick - 9500
Jessup Shield - 3555
Grime Crystal & 880mp
8) Puppis - Attic
Quell Sword - 4215
Fire Crystal & 5279mp
9) Apple Floor Cleaner - 569
Ladder - 500
Love Crystal & 4969mp
10) Breadfruit - 994
Air Crystal & 586mp
11) Red Murfin Pen - 872
Energy Crystal & 6320mp
12)Ushunda Pencil - Attic
Tomato Pork Rib - Attic
Fire Crystal & 809mp
13) Chocolate Muffin - Attic
Tantua Pencil - 165
Multi Crystal Wallpaper - 1240
Water Crystal & 5851mp
14) Maradan Pound Stamp - 1116
Dark Chocolate Grint
Dark Crystal & 4040mp
15) Blackcurrant Lollypop - 224
Plain Muffin - Attic
Web Camera - Attic
Dark Crystal & 697mp
16) Newth Dagger - Attic
Chibs Ruler - Attic
Shadow Crystal & 654mp
17) Ushunda Pencil - Attic
Milk Chocolate Yakubi - 3973
Dark Crystal & 882mp
18) Violet Lipstick - Attic
Aquamarine Hairdye - Attic
Fire Crystal & 666mp
19) Chibs Backpack - Attic
Air Crystal & 564mp
20) Frozen Chicken - Attic
Green Carpet - Attic
Ash Crystal & 945mp
21) Dk. Grn Contact Lens - Attic
Wall Cleaner - 1150
Dark Chocolate Murfin - Attic
Air Crystal & 538mp
22) Sienna Lipstick - Attic
Speakers - Attic
Red Bolimo Pen - 177
Digital Crystal & 726mp
23) Dishwasher - Attic
Grime Crystal & 3448mp
24) Paffuto Backpack - Attic
Swirly Bread - Attic
Mint Chocolate Hearts - Attic
Dark Crystal & 816mp
25) Filter - Attic
Earth Crystal & 545mp
26) White Chocolate Knutt - 6898
Pepper Pizza - Attic
Digital Crystal & 806mp
27)Sky Blue Contact Lens - Attic
Dark Crystal & 943mp
28) Medlar - 12
Steam Crystal & 781
29) Dustpan - Attic
Red Fasoro Pen - Attic
Shadow Crystal & 532mp
30) Tub of Strawberry IC - 688
Air Crystal & 847mp
31) Jessup Shield - Attic
Cut off Jeans - Attic
Triangle Sink - Attic
Dark Crystal & 5895mp
32) Light Red Lipstick - Attic
Fire Crystal & 681mp
33) Green Beans and Peas - Attic
Dark Crystal & 539mp
34) Pepper Marapop - 3290
Dark Crystal & 2936mp
35) Window Cleaner - 556
Shadow Crystal & 2875mp
36) Giant Mushroom - Attic
Red Wooden Bed - Attic
Sesame Bagel - Attic
Love Crystal & 571mp
37) Quince - 16
Loquat - 28
Dk Blue Hairdye - Attic
Air Crystal & 701mp
38) Glowing Sand Egg - 9950
Steam Crystal & 6455mp
39) Rofling Notepad - Attic
1/2 of a Sponge - Attic
Asparagus - 33
Digital Crystal & 749mp
40) Rofling Notepad - Attic
Equilor Fin Charm - 6175
Ice Crystal & 989mp
41)Red Contact Lens - Attic
Sugar Pie - Attic
Knutt Bow - 4120
Light Crystal & 810mp
42) Shield - Attic
Strawberry Rolls - Attic
Earth Crystal & 615mp
43) Osafo Ruler - Attic
Spider Salad - Attic
Digital Crystal & 608mp
44) Red Yakubi Pen - 177
Water Crystal & 7351mp
45) Encyclopedia I - 6492
Steam Crystal & 3551mp
46)Glowing Clown Egg - 8000
Earth Crystal & 6562mp
47) Diet Avocado Marapop - Attic
Fire Crystal & 840mp
48) Pink Lipstick - Attic
Addow Stamp - Attic
Water Crystal & 5307mp
49) Icy Cooker - Attic
Black Polo Shirt - Attic
Fire Crystal & 3320mp
50) Half of a Meat Pizza - Attic
Grime Crystal & 2002mp
51) Wizard's Book - 3770
Grime Crystal & 6751mp
52) Sun Chair - Attic
Book of Death - Attic
Shadow Crystal & 708mp
53)Knutt Stamp - Attic
Love Crystal & 593mp
54) Brown Rolls - Attic
Grime Crystal & 5441mp
55) Navy Blue Contact Lens - 5450
Steam Crystal & 947mp
56) Raspberry Lollypop - Attic
Newth Pencil - Attic
Earth Crystal & 894mp
57) Tambourine - 9495
Love Crystal & 3599mp
58) Tobiko Roll - 5498
Light Crystal & 907mp
59) Mint Choc. Zetlian - Attic
Glowing Blue Egg - 5000
Air Crystal & 863mp
60) Equilor Stamp - Attic
Light Crystal & 2310mp
61) Tub of Strawberry IC - Attic
Pink Paint - Attic
Love Crystal & 848mp
62) Worm Brown HC - Attic
Encyclopedia D - Attic
Earth Crystal & 6756mp
63) Red Reese Pen - 1880
Dark Crystal & 2712mp
64) External CD Drive - Attic
Earth Crystal & 713mp
65) Giant Flower Stamp - Attic
Bronze Pearl - Attic
Dark Crystal & 868mp
66) Anis - Attic
Glowing Dk Choc Egg - Attic
Endive - Attic
Steam Crystal & 545mp
67) Silver Grey Lipstick - Attic
White Shirt - Attic
Water Crystal & 570mp
68) Raisin Bagel - Attic
Ice Crystal & 995mp
69) Bat Cookies - Attic
Shadow Crystal & 953mp
70) Castanets - 4740
Arugula - Attic
Red Ushunda Pen - Attic
Light Crystal & 614mp
71) Blueberry Lollypop - Attic
Yellow Paint -1248
Dark Crystal & 1599mp
72) Web Camera - Attic
Saw - 505
Air Crystal & 734mp
73) Wht Chocolate Leido - Attic
Tub of Pecan IC - Attic
Grime Crystal & 502mp
74) Dark Chocolate Fasoro - 898
Gutur - 1495
Water Crystal & 6912mp
75) Red Balloon - Attic
Fire Crystal & 4719mp
76) Apple Flr Cleaner - Attic
Yakubi Dagger - 900
Mint Choc. Pearl - 6089
Fire Crystal & 564mp
77)Tan Lipstick - Attic
Steam Crystal & 6264mp
78) Tan Contact Lenses - Attic
Dark Crystal & 705mp
79) Broken Bed - Attic
Wind Up Grint Toy - Attic
Lt Blue C. Lenses - Attic
80) Orange Candycane - Attic
Ice Crystal & 722mp
81) Orange Contact Lens - Attic
Air Crystal & 1517mp
82) Mk Chocolate Addow - Attic
White Lipstick - Attic
Love Crystal & 637mp
83) Sea Grn Hairdye - 5280
Broccoli - Attic
Air Crystal & 554mp
84) Yellow Candycane - Attic
Reese Ruler - Attic
Light Crystal & 3,756MP
85) Milk Choc. Addow - Attic
Sun Chair - 7000
Energy Crystal & 5,399MP
86) Blue Zetlian Pen - Attic
Love Crystal & 533MP
87) Chocolate Muffin - Attic
Lime Green Lipstick - Attic
Air Crystal & 709mp
88) Apple Green Lipstick - Attic
One Slice of Pep. Pizza - 141
Yellow Contact Lenses - Attic
Energy Crystal & 4,514MP
89) Multi Crystal Wpaper - 1240
Jessup Helmet - 990
Love Crystal & 678mp
90) Shovel - 620
Glowing Orange Egg - 4000
Dark Crystal & 696mp
91) Garlic Soup - Attic
Shadow Crystal & 918mp
92) Encyclopedia X - 2689
Murfin Dagger - Attic
Darkest Brown Hair Dye - Attic
Air Crystal & 2156mp
93) Lentils - 45
Digital Crystal & 538mp
94) Burnt Rolls - Attic
Yakubi Book - 318
Digital Crystal & 2318mp
95) Furry Bed - Attic
Zetlian Backpack - Attic
Wind Up Leido - Attic
Steam Crystal & 6283mp
96) Jessup Stamp - Attic
Fire Crystal & 811mp
97) Newth Dagger - Attic
Ice Crystal & 841mp
98) White Choc. Ushunda - Attic
Digital Crystal & 568mp
99) Deep Plum CL - Attic
Balloons Stamp - Attic
Water Crystal & 802mp
100) Glowing Green Egg - 6690
Air Crystal & 828mp
101) Orange Choc Grint - Attic
Orange Choc Knutt - Attic
Grime Crystal & 662mp
102) Addow Notepad - Attic
Mushroom Wardrobe - 1960
Fire Crystal & 847mp
103) Valentines Cheesecake - 997
Reese Notepad - 201
Earth Crystal & 6216mp
104) Cajun Chicken Pizza - Attic
Rake - Attic
Steam Crystal & 2824mp
105) Milk Choc Azul - Attic
Grime Crystal & 972mp
106) Callabresse - 300
Mini Chocolate Pies - Attic
Apple Green Hair Dye - Attic
Dark Crystal & 737mp
107) Sienna Hair Dye - 8750
Air Crystal & 5160mp
108) White Candycane - Attic
External CD Drive - Attic
Fire Crystal & 726mp
109) Computer Cables - Attic
Feliz Notepad - Attic
Glowing Halloween Egg - 9895
Love Crystal & 5746mp
110) Encyclopedia J - 3199
Ice Crystal & 975mp
111) Milk Choc Osafo - Attic
Red Healing Potion - Attic
Water Crystal & 2165mp
112) Blue Grey HD- Attic
Whipped Cream Muffin - Attic
Ice Crystal & 2953mp
113) SFree Spider Lolly - Attic
Dishwasher - 8900
Energy Crystal & 765mp
114) Blueberry Bagel- Attic
Shadow Crystal & 4697mp
115) SFree Ghost Lolly- Attic
Mint Choc Rofling- Attic
Fire Crystal & 639mp
116) Red Xoi Potion- Attic
Dark Crystal & 2076mp
117) Glowing M Cho Egg - Attic
Orange Sweater - Attic
Green Balloon- Attic
Love Crystal & 812mp
118) Fasoro Biscuit- Attic
Lime Lollypop- Attic
Green Pen- Attic
Digital Crystal & 4511mp