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  1. Self-Injury Awarenesss Day Info. (READ PLEASE!)
    26th Feb 2011 23:52
    14 years & 8 days ago
  2. {d!bawt};; How the Grinch stole X-mas ppl.
    9th Dec 2009 19:01
    15 years, 2 months & 26 days ago
  3. {d!bawt};; How the Grinch stole X-mas ppl.
    9th Dec 2009 18:59
    15 years, 2 months & 26 days ago
  4. The Scarecrow
    27th Sep 2009 15:45
    15 years, 5 months & 7 days ago
  5. I'm a Siren. =D
    23rd Aug 2009 13:35
    15 years, 6 months & 11 days ago
  6. 38 Things Girls Don't Realize
    23rd Jun 2009 18:57
    15 years, 8 months & 11 days ago
  7. The Breakout. CLICK!!!!!!!
    23rd Jun 2009 16:31
    15 years, 8 months & 11 days ago
  8. Ro-bot Waiting list. :3
    21st Jun 2009 19:10
    15 years, 8 months & 13 days ago
  9. Female Comebacks
    19th Jun 2009 17:02
    15 years, 8 months & 15 days ago
    30th May 2009 14:27
    15 years, 9 months & 5 days ago
15 years, 10 months & 5 days ago
29th Apr 2009 20:00

Plot: An angel named Elyse, along with several of her friends, are trying to stop the attacks of the fallen angels, for if any Gaurdian Angel dies, it's element it guards will also die. But Elyse has a problem...she might be falling in love with a fallen angel.


The girl paced down the street, the sun scanning the horizon. Her gold tennis shoes gleamed slightly by the hot evening sun, and her eyes examined the steet. The girl's chocolate brown hair looked like warm, melting chocolate. That girl was me. Over 1,000 years ago. I was an Angel Sensor. For millions of years, Angel Sensor's has been placed across the globe. They can sense when angels are present, and can sense if the angel is up to good, or evil. But one night, when the moon glistened over the Crystal Sea, the prophocy had been set. And so had my fate. The angels, with wings as bright as dawn, leaked light brighter than the moon. The dark, ebony night was know like it was in a pure summer day. "Hello, Elyse." The angels said. Their voices rang like beautiful soprano voices, but, at the same time, also sent shivers down my spine. They smiled sweetly, and I knew what was happening. I believed in angels all my life. And right now, I was becoming one.

The angels lightly held onto my arms. It was an unbelievable experience. The angels flapped their feather wings and soared against the moon and the stars, until we reached a cloud city. Angels, actually, don't fly much unless they have to. Most of them were walking casually down the cloud-streets, talking normally, you know, they really aren't different. Except for the facts they have wings. And they have gifts. And they are immortal. They brought me over to stand made out of pure gold, with the words "Angelus Ceremony" in big, white letters, and the words "Sententia must recive pennae in plenus luna" underneth it. Suddenly, the all the angels gathered around. I shifted my eyes back and forth, and I laughed nervously as I pushed my weight to my other leg. The angels started chanting something in latin, and I stood there, completely dumbfounded. A brown, dusty, book sat on the stand, and suddenly, a burst of light shot through the pearl on the cover. My wings. I was receiving wings. It actually wasn't very painful. I mean, for some strange reason, I always expected it to be painful. But gracefully, my wings started appearing. People started gasping. My wings covered my body, glowing rainbow. "Oh my!" An angel said under her breath. "Unbelievable..." Another angel said. "Uh...?" I questioned. "Your wings, deary," An angel behind me squeaked from behind me. I did realize something different. My wings were faintly glowing rainbow, with large pure, white feather surrounding me in light. All the other wings were average sized, just enough to touch arm span, while mine went about two feet more, and covered most of my back.

"That's...amazing." People started gasping. "The queen!" A man shouted. "Mademe Lianna," All angels bowed, then stared at me. "Oh...right." I bowed my head to, and came up about 10 second later after everyone else came up. The queen laughed quietly and bowed in return. "I've never seen such amazing wings," The queen pointed out. Her wings were lovely too, but not half as gorgeous as mine. She smiled. "And now welcoming, are new Guardian Angel of Spirit, Elyse!" The queen said, and people started laughing.

"Wait." I said, out of the blue. People stopped and stared at me in confusion. "Yes, Miss. Elyse?" The queen said with question marked over her face. "What is a 'Guardian Angel of Spirit'?" I said, staring at the ground. All the angels started laughing, including the queen. Yeah, sure. Laugh at the new 'Guardian Angel of Spirit', whatever that is. "The Guardian Angel of Spirit," The queen said with power in her voice. "Is the...holder of all elements." She said, touching her face. "And...That means...?" I asked. More laughs. "It means, you can control all elements." Wait. Had she just said that? Just this morning I couldn't even control the T.V. now I control all the elements? I laughed, and then became serious. "How..?" I asked. The queen sighed, obviously a little annoyed at me. "Because you are...special." The queen said more of a question than a statement. "Okay. Sweet." I said. Then left, walking, with all the angels still staring amazed.


The clouds lingering above earth were light and fluffy, a few darker than others. In the Angel Realm, this was like the Angels. A few were pure, a few were...not so...pure.

A girl layed down on a comfy cloud, shifting her feet side to side over the edge of the cloud. It was like touching the stars itself. Her wings were covering her body; which was lean and proportionate. Her smile was like light was captured in her teeth.

The girl lightly bounced up, her curls springing around. Her name was Elyse, one of the youngest, yet most gifted angels. Elyse breathed in big, and let it out. "Hmm..." Elyse said, noticing a star was out of place. She flitted towards the edge of the cloud, hopped, and was soaring lightly across the sky. To earth, this looked like a shooting star. Elyse tipped the star back to place, and flew back.

The sky was a gradient of deep, navy blue, and a light, almost white, blue. But suddenly, the sky turned black. "An eclipse?" Elyse muttered to herself. " eclipse was yesterday...could it b-" Elyse shuddred. "Of course!" She shouted, already sprinting across the clouds. She bursted through the golden gates, and walked up to the Queen of Angels, Mademe Lianna. "Madame?" Elyse said low and quick. Madame Lianna knew what was happening, for her eyes turned dark. "Fallen Angels?" Mademe Lianna said with an edge. "Yes," Elyse said, shooting her eyes across the room.

"Quickly!" Mademe Lianna shouted. Suddenly, SWAT Angel teams flew into the door. They had Magic-proof vests on, and each one had steel wings. Elyse gasped, but Mademe Lianna ignored. "Go, find them!" Both Mademe Lianna and Elyse said. The SWAT team left in a split second.

The fallen angels looked dirty and grungy. They each had big, black wings, and black cold eyes. They had a rough, raspy voices, and often laugh that booms. But one angel had caught Elyse's attention. He had a very muscular body, along with wild black hair. His eyes, although he was a fallen angel, were deep crimson red. His fangs were long and pointy, and he was wearing nothing but a pair of jeans.

The angels all lined up, weapons out, wings behind them, ready to attack. The fallen angels bared their teeth, and most of the SWAT team, including Elyse, cringed at the fangs that had blood dripping from the tips. Elyse's hair was up into a messy bun, and her wings shone with brilliance. In comparison with the fallen angels wings, the Gaurdian angels wings were feathery and white, each with its own unique glow.

"Ready," The fallen angel said. She must of been the leader, and, like all but the other fallen angel, had black eyes full of hate. Her voice was a lot lighter than expected, and her face looked almost feline. She lunged at a SWAT team member, whose arm suddenly started gushing blood. The leader licked her lips while the others started attcking.

It was a bloodshed, and, as much as the SWAT team members tried to attack, they could only defend themselves. "That's is impossible!" One SWAT team member said, reffering to a scratch on his wing. The wings were hard and steel, and only 1/100 angels were able to put a scratch it.

Elsye averted her eyes to the team. Their eyes, once light and jovial, were filled with a hatred rare for such a beautiful species. The queen was confused. Even though they weren't the friendliest creatures, they never really picked a fight.


The spell, known as the Magick to the angels, was an undefinable power, which held control of all the angels of earth. The fallen angels have been attacking, non-stop, once they figured out the Gaurdian Angels had it.

Elyse and Mademe Lianna both knew of this spell, but others were clueless. "Magic spirit," Elyse chanted. "Please bring us the power. We need to fight. We need to keep earth safe." Elyse began her ritual. She put her hands like she was praying. The stars began to turn rainbow. "Caelitus ut terra , nos must servo. Pro nos es gaurdians. Nos es tutela of totus," Elyse said. A burst of light from her hand shot up into the sky. The fallen angels quickly moved back down to hell.
But one angel stayed.
It was the angel with the red eyes.
And for some strange, vile, reason, Elyse was attracted to him.


"Elyse! That was a very risky move," The queen was rambling. Again. "Yes, yes, I know, I know. 'I should never do that again'." Elyse mocked. The queen was frustrated, but Elyse kept pushing it. "Listen, Elyse." Something about Mademe Lianna's tone was different. "You need to stop. I know what is happening," The queen walked towards the pure gold desk, opened up the drawer, and shuffled through some documents. Her eyes scanned across each and every word, until, after a few minutes of awkward silence, she pulled out a peice of paper.

"You see, Elyse," The queen pointed to a chart. "This happens often. Fallen Angels some how do I put it-" She pondered for a second, drumming her finger against her jaw. "they are able to...attract...other angels. I think that's the case with you, Elyse." The queen half smiled. "What?" Elyse exclaimed, almost falling out of her seat. "Y-you think...I'm in...l-l-love with...with that?" Elyse stammered. The queen looked around to her bodygaurds, each were trying hard not to burst out laughing. My wings ruffled, as my jaw flexed. "But...but..." Elyse said, pointing to the chart. "How? Hmm? How-I mean...why do you think that is so? Do you have any proof?" Elyse stuck a finger towards the queen. The queen just laughed silently and said "Of course. I saw the way you were looking at him. So did everyone else." The bodygaurds face fell, expecting me to blow up at them. I took a deep breath, and said slowly and carefully, just so the queen would understand, "Listen. I don't like...him. Never will." My voice sounded confident. "Mmmhmmm," The queen said, agreeing. Suddenly, she took a step forward. "And who are you trying to fool, Elyse? Me, or you?"

Elyse laughed nervously. "Um...No one?" Wrong answer. Elyse thought. "Yes...quite." The king came strolling out, his caramel hair looking shimmering lightly. He looked quite young, actually. He said he was only about 27 when he was transformed. Unlike me. I was transformed when I was 14.

His blue eyes pierced my brown eyes with intensity. He laughed quietly to himself and became sat down next to the queen. He was...expecting something. "Oh....oh! Right." I nervously bowed to the king, smiling fakely. "King James?" Elyse said nervously. The whole SWAT team already left once the king entered, but the private gaurds always followed the kind. "Yes, my dearest Elyse." He smiled, as he and the queen rose grandly from their thrones. "I think this meeting is done, Miss Elyse?" The king said with an edge. The queen shot me a bitter look. She always got that way when the king was around.

The kings wings hugged the queens, and they walked ---danced--- out of the room. Which left me in an awkward silence. Alone. With my thoughts already eating up my mind, I quickly jumped out of my seat and exited.
Should I continue?

10 signs you love someone. <333
15 years, 10 months & 22 days ago
12th Apr 2009 13:23

10 Signs you love someone

10 Signs u love someone

You feel shy whenever they're around.

You smile when you hear their voice.

When you look at them, you can't see
the other people around you, you just
see him/her.

They're all you think about.

You realize you're always smiling when
you're looking at them.

You would do anything for them, just
to see them.

While reading this, there was one
person on your mind this whole time.

You were so busy thinking about that
person, you didnt notice number seven
was missing

You just scrolled up to check & are
now silently laughing at yourself.












































































Post this as : 10 Signs u love someone

*And something good will happen to you

*If you don't... you'll certainly
regret it

16 years & 1 day ago
5th Mar 2009 18:16

Post your new flavors here!

Silhouette. (The newest blog-story)
16 years, 1 month & 20 days ago
14th Jan 2009 16:46


The dawn sky was painted with yellow, pink, and a rich colour of dark, navy blue. The air was fresh; like when after it rains. It's the most significant part of the day; It was the new beginning.

Almost as if it was planned, a silent silhouette jumped out of the trees. She ran through the forest, just slightly sprinting past the trees. The person was almost invincible; she was sprinting faster than any olympic runner, and jumped as high as a frog, of course, in a normal human scale.

The stars in the sky were still out. Above, they almost seemed to spell out a name. That name, shown in the sky was Soleil. Although the stars where fading, you could catch the slightest glimpse of the name in the air.

The silhouette was now more clear. Yes, she was still sprinting, but behind the hooded jacket was brown hair, and eyes as blue as the June sky. She was actually quite beautiful, although, like most girls, she found many things wrong with herself.

Soleil slowed to catch her breath. Her teeth had the slightest points. Her eyes, which used to be a light blue, are now as dark as the navy blue in the sky. She grunted and walked to the closest rock.

"Why...didn't I.....just....let" Soleil said to herself. She cursed and sat down on the rock. Soleil grabbed a handful of dirt and threw it up in the air. The dirt, now dust, covered Soleil in a brown fog. "If I run to the town of Ri-Nortai," Soleil paused to catch her breath. "I can change my name, and live peacefully, and have a new start," Soleil looked up into the sky. "Just like today..." Soleil bit her cheek, and got up from the rock.

The sky was slowly turning into light blue and yellow colours, and, just like the stars, Soleil's dark blue eyes started to fade back into her regular colour. Soleil was a vampire. Of course, not like the ones you've heard about. She doesn't have long fangs, and she doesn't even drink human blood. She has superhuman strength, and incredible speed, but other than that, she's pretty normal.

She started sprinting, once again, and finally reached a stream. The water was absolutely amazing; it was crystal clear, but had the slightest tint of blue. Soleil got to her knees and scooped up water from the stream. "Ahhhh..." She said in releif. Soleil examined her surroundings. She closed her eyes, concentrating. Vampires also had photographic memory. Just before she left the institute of "not normal" people (Asylum) she sneaked a peek of the trail to Ri-Nortai.

"Yes...." Soleil said, opening her eyes. "If I stay at this pace, I'll be at Ri-Nortai tonight," A shiver went down Soleil's spine. "That is, of course, if the night hunters don't catch me." Night hunters aren't what you think they are. They aren't a bunch of guys dressed in black with stakes and garlic. They work for the Asylum, and they have Night Hunters all the way until Ri-Nortai.

Others thought Soleil was a freak. With her skinny jeans and black shirt, she didn't look strange. But if you got to know her, you'd know she isn't exactly the same as everyone else. She gets angry very fast, and usually talks to spirits. So, like everything else, people labeled her as a "freak". But she isn't. She's a vampire.

"Okay..." Soleil said, and closed her eyes once more. "If I remember right...then the Night Hunters don't come out until 8:00pm," Soleil cursed again. "I won't be there until-" Soleil turned around. And to her surprise, there was a kid. Or...a teenager. "I heard you." The kid said. "Listen kid." Soleil pursed her lips. "I'm telling you right now. You better leave. And never look back." Soleil snapped. "B-But I can help." He said. Soleil examined the boy. "...How?" She said.


"Well..." The boy said, "I'm known pretty well around these parts..." He hesitated, "And no one dares to ask questions to could..." He paused, some how looking for the correct word, "Look like you're going with me?" He grimaced. "You expect me to believe some stranger on the street?" She scowled.
"Well nothing."
"Listen, kid, even if you are well known around these parts..." Soleil said, "How is this plan supposed to work?"
"I told you. You could look like your going with me."
The boy shined through the surronding area; his skin was olive, and he had dark --- almost black --- brown eyes. His hair was brown with caramel streaks, and had side bangs that covered his eyes. To sum it up, he was pretty attractive.

He flashed a smile at Soleil, obviously waiting for her answer.
"What's your name, anyways?"
"You first," he joked.
"Fine....My name is-"
Soleil was shocked. "Yeah, how'd you know?"
"I saw how you looked at the sky earlier and-"
"You were spying on me?" She raged.
"Yes, but-"
Soleil scowled.
"Anyways..." He said, obviously not caring about Soleil's response, "My name is Aaron." He flashed another smile. His teeth were perfect; straight and white.
"Oh, hi Aaron..." Soleil said, her voice trailing off.
"...So is it a yes?" Aaron said, smiling.
Soleil sighed, "Well, what other options do I have?"
"Hey, that's the spirit." Aaron said sarcasticly.
Soleil bit her lip to keep from yelling at Aaron.
"Well," Aaron muttered, "We better get going..."
"I guess you're right..." Soleil sighed.

---CHAPTER 3- ???---

"I still don't see how we're going to do this without the," Soleil's voice was barely a whisper now. "Night Hunters...catching us..." Soleil turned to Aaron and gave him a grave look.
"I said it'd be alright..." He clutched the pockets of his pants. "I promise."

(I'll add more to chapter 3 later)

Sorry, but that's the end for now.
If you like it, and want more, please post and say so!

Here's a siggy, please support the story:

Please Leave a Message After the BEEP. x]
16 years, 2 months & 3 days ago
1st Jan 2009 18:41

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  1. Self-Injury Awarenesss Day Info. (READ PLEASE!)
    26th Feb 2011 23:52
    14 years & 8 days ago
  2. {d!bawt};; How the Grinch stole X-mas ppl.
    9th Dec 2009 19:01
    15 years, 2 months & 26 days ago
  3. {d!bawt};; How the Grinch stole X-mas ppl.
    9th Dec 2009 18:59
    15 years, 2 months & 26 days ago
  4. The Scarecrow
    27th Sep 2009 15:45
    15 years, 5 months & 7 days ago
  5. I'm a Siren. =D
    23rd Aug 2009 13:35
    15 years, 6 months & 11 days ago
  6. 38 Things Girls Don't Realize
    23rd Jun 2009 18:57
    15 years, 8 months & 11 days ago
  7. The Breakout. CLICK!!!!!!!
    23rd Jun 2009 16:31
    15 years, 8 months & 11 days ago
  8. Ro-bot Waiting list. :3
    21st Jun 2009 19:10
    15 years, 8 months & 13 days ago
  9. Female Comebacks
    19th Jun 2009 17:02
    15 years, 8 months & 15 days ago
    30th May 2009 14:27
    15 years, 9 months & 5 days ago