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09:45:39 MST
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  1. RS times
    6th Jan 2016 19:51
    8 years, 11 months & 19 days ago
  2. Missing Avatars 760/1389 *629
    28th Dec 2015 17:33
    8 years, 11 months & 28 days ago
  3. pets i want
    19th Jun 2013 23:38
    11 years, 6 months & 7 days ago
  4. New Missing Books
    13th Jun 2013 23:21
    11 years, 6 months & 13 days ago
  5. missions
    7th Jun 2013 15:24
    11 years, 6 months & 19 days ago
  6. AVIES P-Z
    3rd Jun 2013 19:48
    11 years, 6 months & 23 days ago
  7. AVIES A-O
    17th May 2013 14:02
    11 years, 7 months & 10 days ago
  8. Extra Avatars
    29th Jul 2010 22:11
    14 years, 4 months & 29 days ago
  9. Mini Avatars buy
    27th Jul 2010 22:22
    14 years, 5 months & 1 day ago
  10. The Adult Forum is giving me a headache.
    9th Apr 2010 17:55
    14 years, 8 months & 18 days ago
11 years, 6 months & 23 days ago
3rd Jun 2013 19:48

Palm (organic mini)
Party (costume)
Pat (leprechaun attach)
Peachie (organic)
Pee (organic mini)
Penitentiary (penitentiary level 30)
Peppa (organic mini)
Perchuka (130 battles)
Pessen (176 battles)
Piggy (buy rapunzels tower)
Pilgrim (costume)
Pingi (75 days)
Pinkal (270 days)
Pirate Mafia (lvl 30 mafia missions)
Pixel (560 days)
Plague (attached to basil)
Plates (150 plates)
Plutonium (42 battles)
Plynx (520 days)
Polar (attach to polar pet)
Pongin (700 days)
Poppy (organic mini)
Poseidon (350 battles)
Prancer (562 days)
Premium Hair (collect pieces)
Princess (240 days)
Prize Winner (win checklist)
Puchalla Inn (400 quests)
Puff (lvl 22 minipet island goals)
Pugwash (level 27 pirate mafia)
Pulika (126 days)
Pumkitty (666 days)
Pumpkin Ed (1050 days)
Pumpkin Ghost (deck)
Pumpkin Hunt 2012 (retired)
Punk (attach to punk pet)
Punk Xoi (225 battles)
Pyri (90 days)

Qikre 280 battles

Rabid Fasoro (150 battles)
Rainy (costume)
Rat (800 days)
Reaper (239 days)
Rocket (148 days)
Rosette (organic mini)
Rosie (organic mini)
Rutabaga (organic mini)

Salvaged (buy recycling center)
Sandman (46 battles)
Santa (340 battles)
Santa Claws (230 battles)
Seaso (underwater treasure chest)
Secret Santa (200 quests)
Seth (spy shop)
Sewage (24 sewer cleaner mission)
Sewer Cleaner (30 mission)
Sewer Monster (27 mission)
Shilpy (lvl 22 eleka castle goals)
Shroom (organic mini)
Silser (slater stalker)
Simerian Excavator (200 quests)
Sk8er (850 days)
Slate Pyramid
Sleepy (costume)
Slide Whistle (10 instrument)
Snickle (60 days)
Sniffer (47 battles)
Snoop (619 days)
Snot Newth (140 battles)
Snow Fight (290 battles)
Snowman (130 days)
Snowman Twin (200 battles)
Snuggles (attach polar pet)
Sobek (lvl 20 temple of transmogrification)
Sorcerer (4 battles)
Sphinx (172 days)
Spidly (15 days)
Splatter (costume)
Sports (buy from olympics)
Sprite (913 battles)
Spy (costume)
Starbert (galactic treasure chest)
Stitch (165 days)
Stop Eating! (1000 gourmet foods)
Strawberrie (organic mini)
Sultan (deck)
Sumo Feliz (160 battles)
Sumo Sally (2500 quests)
Sunflower (organic mini)
Super Hero (attach super hero pet)

Tasty (gingerbread character costume)
Tearex (mini plate)
Test Tube (48 battles)
Thunder (49 battles)
Tichu (80 battles)
Trash Fairy
Trick or Treat 2012
Tuin (310 battles)
Twigee (240 battles)
Twins (gemini tb)

Ukulele 10 instruments
Undying retired
Undying ???
Undying Festival 2012 Retired
Undying Woods 30 undying woods goal

Valentino attached to valentine pet
Vampry attached to vampire pet
Venus 320 battles
Vile attached to villain pet
Villain 170 battles
Viola 10 instruments
Vorto attached to vortex pet

Waka (lvl 20 transuranics)
Wardrobe (350 items)
Waste (51 battles)
Wax (226 days)
Werewolf (costume)
Wife (bride doll)
Winter (costume)
Winter Demon (deck)
Witchlet (180 days)
Wizadrip (260 battles)
Wonion (organic mini)

Yaoe 331 battles
Yeti 180 battles
Yeti make plate
Yhing 418 days
Yule 99 days w/ seasonal pet

Zeew (270 battles)
Zorg 226 days

11 years, 7 months & 10 days ago
17th May 2013 14:02

1000 (avatars)
666 (online)
8th birthday (retired)

accordion (10 on pet)
agent (13 battles)
anjet (150+ days view)
Antique (shop)
Apollo (15 battles)
applex (grow mini pet)
armoured (costume)
autumn (costume)
Azul swarm (in deck)

bacon (160+)
Bah humbug (character costume)
bailiff (15 battles)
bananey (grow mini)
banjo 10
Baspinar Castle (complete goals)
be mine (treasure chest)
beach (11 days)
beauty contest (win)
bee (costume)
betsoni (390 battles)
bingo (slaterpark goals)
blake (22 days)
blooble (ziranek goals 22)
bomb (17 times)
boo (retired)
boris (31 days)
british (costume)
brocklee (organic grow)
bubbles (112+ days)
buckaroo (190 days)
bush (22 GP goals)
butters (64 days)
buzzy (36 days)

cactoo (organic)
cactus (organic)
calico (costume)
candy (goals 22)
chameleon (win rainbow fairy)
cherii (organic)
chevron (220 days)
chickle (mini plate)
chook (600 days)
christmas (200 days)
chuckles (16 days)
city accountant (17 battles)
city banker (19 battles)
city hobo (1 battle view page)
city realtor (22 battles)
cobweb (wig view)
computer repair (300 quests)
conker (deck)
cowboy (380 battles)
crabs (26 days)
cracked (1000 battles)
cremated (deck)
cremul (mini plate)

Daemon (23 battle)
Daffy (organic mini)
Damaged (27 days)
Dark Fairy (24 battles)
Dark Fairy (costume)
Delayed (820 days)
Desert Spy (300 quests)
Diamond (80 days)
Didgeridoo (teach 10)
Digital Fairy (750 avatars)
Dive In (underwater treasure chest)
Doctor (wardrobe)
Drab (64 days)
Drab Army (26 battles)
Drake (deck)
Drenched (64 days)
Drowsy (422 days)
Dune (spy shop)

ERMAHGERD gobble pet mutant dna lab
Easter Egg Hunt 2012 retired
Easter Egg Hunt 2013 ???
Edwina win old fairy
Elder 400 battles
Eleka Minions 120
Elektro attach to lightning pet
Elger 210 battles
Ember 110 days
Erhu 10 instrument
Erto 300 days
Explosive 27 battles

Fandor 900 days
Fang 10 days
Far Out galactic treasure chest
Farm 1000 quests
Fawlt (win w/ promote marapets event)
Fiesta carnival treasure chest
Firework costume
Flamed 276 battles
Flitter 29 battles
Float 39 days
Flobberbat 1100 days
Floof attach to hairy pet
Floss 580 days
Fluffy 200 days
Flutterbull (taurus TB )
Forums 10,000 posts

Gargoyle (9 battles)
Gazillionaire buy minipet
Gemini (Treasure box)
Genie random when win essence
Gingerbread 120 days
Glockenspiel 10 instruments
Gnome costume
Gobble Gobble retired
Gobby 400 days
Greedy Fairy win

Hades 29 battles
Hairy costume
Halloween 2012
Halloween Snowman 2010
Harmonica 10 instruments
Hart (view attached to valentines pet)
Healthy Treat (Retired)
Heavy (win luck)
Heavy (view 950+ GF items)
Helloth (plate)
Hero (110 battles)
Hick (27 bumpkin)
High (230 days)
Hoarder (100 page of items)
Hodge (251 days)
Holly (280 days)
Hot Dog (375 battles)
Hungry Bolimo (220 battles)
Husband (groom doll)

I Betrayed Baspinar (Retired)
I Betrayed Eleka (retired)
I Heart Sultan (retired)
Ice Cream (costume)
Inflate (30 battles)
Injured (costume)
Insomniac (32 battles)
Iris (organic mini)

Jacko (940 days)
Jackpot (win luck)
James (jenoa goals 22)
Jester (30 jester mission)
Jezebel (470 days)
Jinn (7 days)
Jinx recieve queen eleka (450 days)
Jug 10 instruments

Kamilah Traveller recieve a code in quest
Karot (organic mini)
Kissy (love treasure chest)
Kleptome (360 battles)
Korn (organic mini)
Koudi (10 instruments)

Leprechaun (230 days)
Let It Snow
Lidge (950 days)
Light Dark (visit with 1000 war points)
Light Side (retired)
Lightning (32 battles)
Linuw (300 battles)
Lolzbra (mini plate)
London 2012 (male/female london shirt)
Lucent (261 days)
Lucifer (devil + 199 days)

Maddox (85 days)
Maeven (attach to midnight pet)
Mafia (24 pirate mafia mission)
Magic (5 battles)
Marguerite (organic mini)
Merry Christmas 2010 (retired)
Mini Fairy
Moneybag (449 days)
Monsoon (34 battles)
Mount (501 battles)
Mrog (36 battles)
Murderer (90 battles)
Muscles (60 battles)
Myer (106 days)

Native (costume)
Naughty or Nice (retired)
Naunet (70 battles)
Negative (costume)
Nerd (450 days)
Newth Knight (37 battles)
Nightmare (39 battles)
Nightmare (costume)
Nude (temple of tables)
Nurse (costume wardrobe)
Nutcracker (39 battles)

Obese Fairy (41 battles)
Obey (retired)
Ocarina (10 instruments)
Ogul (226 battles)
Old Fairy (1000 photos)
Operative (42 battles)

Extra Avatars
14 years, 4 months & 29 days ago
29th Jul 2010 22:11

Ember 110
Gingerbread (2) 120
Snowman (3) 130
Anjet 150
Bacon 160
Batty 170
Witchlet 180
Buckaroo 190
Chevron 220
Chook 600
Christmas 200
Delayed 820
Fandor 900
Floss 580
Gobby 400
Pumpkin Ed 1050
Sk8er 850
Vampry 1020
Lidge 950
Snoween 300
Peiko 500
Plynx 520
Poached 600
Pongin 700
Princess 240
Punk punk w/ pet
Valentino valentine w/ pet
Jezebel 470
Rat 800
Tail 420
Tres 440
Flobberbat 1100
Pixel 560
Elektro lightning w/ pet
Jacko 940
Nerd 450
Pinkal 270
Vorto vortex w/ pet
Twittle 350
Easter easter w/ pet
Snickle 60
Lucifer 199 w/ devil
Super Hero superhero w/ pet
Vile villain w/ pet
Pingi 75
Diamond 80
Yule seasonal w/ 80
Snuggle polar w/ pet
Fang 10
Kilk 40
Lucky christmas w/ 99
Pat leprechaun w/ pet
Pyri 90
Spidly 15
Filondor 960

Piano X's 10
Ocarina X's 10
Trombone X's 10
Harmonica - 10X's
Banjo - 10X's

Mini Avatars buy
14 years, 5 months & 1 day ago
27th Jul 2010 22:22

anubis lvl 20 temple
blooble 22 ziranek
bush 22 G pardise
candy 22 candyland
flaydor 22 biala
james 22 jenoa
lush 22 lake
neek 29 tarquin
puff 22 minipet island
sheepbow buy
shilpy 22 eleka
sobek 20 temple

The Adult Forum is giving me a headache.
14 years, 8 months & 18 days ago
9th Apr 2010 17:55

Not that I was ever too big on it but ever since I got it I would always take a peek and lurk with the occasional post. However everything thats appearing with the whole Ami case is just bad juju. To be honest I dont care. Ive played Mara and am now going on my 6th year. This site is my life or at least part of it. I understand others have gone through shiht too and well, quite frankly Im over it. I just want people to shut up and get on with their maralives. Play the game, enjoy it, chat it out. Just leave the past behind. I too have a history here, sockopen to those that may remember is part of my history. Petsmacker [danny] is another. Yes I remember it of corse cause the stuff that occurred was crazy but times up and it no longer has importance. I feel at the Blue staff as well as the green staff are doing a great job. I miss some of the older green staffs that also helped out mara aswell (bee and xxgoddessxx being a few) Im sad that they arent on staff anymore and havent been nearly as active. All and all Ive been with mara since before most of you and I dont mean it to sound or stuck up I just want this website and this part of my life to go on. Updates, fixes, idle news whatever it may be you should always be able to find fun and entertainment on this site. So please sthu about any past occurrences and get on with the present that will lead you to your successful future. -Joel

  1. RS times
    6th Jan 2016 19:51
    8 years, 11 months & 19 days ago
  2. Missing Avatars 760/1389 *629
    28th Dec 2015 17:33
    8 years, 11 months & 28 days ago
  3. pets i want
    19th Jun 2013 23:38
    11 years, 6 months & 7 days ago
  4. New Missing Books
    13th Jun 2013 23:21
    11 years, 6 months & 13 days ago
  5. missions
    7th Jun 2013 15:24
    11 years, 6 months & 19 days ago
  6. AVIES P-Z
    3rd Jun 2013 19:48
    11 years, 6 months & 23 days ago
  7. AVIES A-O
    17th May 2013 14:02
    11 years, 7 months & 10 days ago
  8. Extra Avatars
    29th Jul 2010 22:11
    14 years, 4 months & 29 days ago
  9. Mini Avatars buy
    27th Jul 2010 22:22
    14 years, 5 months & 1 day ago
  10. The Adult Forum is giving me a headache.
    9th Apr 2010 17:55
    14 years, 8 months & 18 days ago