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Club:Join the ATM Club | Vote:Yes I will Vote |Pets:None are EVER for Trade/Sell

Age:Adult Player

I am an Adult Player that have been playing Marapets since July 11, 2006, 9:27 pm Marapets is my escape from the REAL WORLD which is a hard place at the moment. I joined with my sister (GutterxFlower) we run the Adult Club Addicted to Mara so if you are looking for an Adult Club where you can be as Active as you want and just relax and get the help you need then just mail me for an invite (Tell me a little about yourself) the only requirement is to be 18+.

My sister is my best friend and we raise a furbaby (Charley) together he is 14 Years young. Here on Mara I love working on ALL the Collections but my favorite has to be Wardrobe and Avatars I also collect a lot of different items for my Gallery but the main items I love collecting is my Potato Collection. I collect them in Bulk and welcome any you DON'T want :D

Things I Love in the RL are...

Reading---I love A lot of different types but read a lot of Stephen King & James Patterson...I have read The Hatchet by Gary Paulsen over 100 Times <---Not kidding love that book!

Photos---I love taking Photos of random things but mostly of My Charley and Food lol <3

Scrapbooking--- I Scrapbook with my sister we use not only real Photos but clippings from Magazines we subscribe to a lot of different type and have over 50 FULL boxes in storage of Magazines to still go through we try and use every bit we can for crafts as well NO waste!

Alice in Wonderland--- You may have noticed a lot of my Pet Names are inspired but Alice in Wonderland as well as a whole section in the back of my Gallery, here in the RW I collect Alice in Wonderland items as well it makes me happy to find something that I love to go in my collection.

Coloring/Drawing--- I like to relax by Coloring w/ my sister have SO MANY coloring books and Sketch Books.

Coffee---I splurge on coffee and love having a Frap Treat at Starbucks (Mocha Extra Ice, Extra thick with whip lol)

If you need help with anything feel free to mail me I will help if I can. I lend items from my Gallery as long as it can be returned within a Months time. I answer my mail and MT right away so if I am not responding it is because I am away from the computer.

  1. Vault Code:Book of Socks
    25th May 2018 12:00
    6 years, 3 months & 28 days ago
  2. Ugly Contest:Cold Feet
    24th May 2018 02:10
    6 years, 3 months & 30 days ago
  3. Beauty Contest:I Hear The Bells
    22nd May 2018 15:59
    6 years & 4 months ago
  4. --->Gemini TC Wardrobe Preview & More<---
    21st May 2018 16:12
    6 years, 4 months & 1 day ago
  5. Lottery Winner 5/20/2018
    20th May 2018 00:20
    6 years, 4 months & 3 days ago
  6. --->May 2018 Doll Challenges<---
    19th May 2018 15:56
    6 years, 4 months & 3 days ago
  7. Sewer Cleaner Mission:Gold Trophy
    17th May 2018 13:04
    6 years, 4 months & 5 days ago
  8. Ugly Contest:Underworld
    17th May 2018 00:51
    6 years, 4 months & 6 days ago
  9. Temple of Tableaus x30
    16th May 2018 12:05
    6 years, 4 months & 6 days ago
  10. Beauty Contest:Overworld
    15th May 2018 02:45
    6 years, 4 months & 8 days ago
:::Marapets Abbreviations:::
6 years, 7 months & 27 days ago
25th Jan 2018 12:44

Post here if you know any Mara Abbreviations Such as Maps/Temples and anything else you may see Abbreviated here on the site that is Mara Related.

Mara Abbreviations
AF=Adult Forums
AU=Account Upgrade
BP=Baspinar Points/Battle Points
BTM=Bearber Treasure Map
CMT=Capsule Machine Token
CTM=Christmas Treasure Map
DC=Dukka Coin
DON=Double or Nothing
DS=Double Stats
DSP=Desert Spy Points
EPM=Enchanted Plushie Machine
FT=Free Training
FTM=Fishing Treasure Map
FTM=Fugunzel Treasure Map
FPTM=Foxfire Pond Treasure Map
GF=Gourmet Food
GG=Greedy Gertrude
KP=Kamilah Pyramid
KPTM=Kamilah Pyramid Treasure Map
KK=Knutt Knight
LE=Limited Edition
MI=Mystery Item
MP=Mara Points
OP=Olympic Point
OP=Original Post
PDIM-Private Dental Insurance Map
PHTM-Premium Hair Treasure Map
PM=Plushie Machine
POG=Pot of Gold
PP=Poison Pit
PPTM=Poison Pit Treasure Map
PT=Personal Trainer
RC=Random Chat
RP=Restock Points
SETM=Simerian Explorer Treasure Map
SITS=Sword in the Stone
SP=Slate Pyramid
SPTM=Sewer Pipes Treasure Map
SS=Secret Santa
SS=Shop Search
SS=Slater Stalker
SS=Sumo Sally
SSP=Slater Stalker Points
TC=Trading Card
TC=Treasure Chest
TM=Treasure Map
TP=Trade Prices
UF=Undying Festival
VPRTM=Vortex Park Reservoir Treasure Map
VTM=Volcano Treasure Map
WTM=Whirlpool Treasure Map

Other Usefull Abbrviations
?4U-Question For You
^5=High Five
^^=Referring to Line/Message Above
<3=Sideways Heart/Love/Friendship
</3=Broken Heart/Sad
@TEOTD-At the End Of The Day\
2G2BT=To Good To Be True
4AO=For Adults Only
AA=As Above/Ask About
AAF=As a matter of fact/As A Friend
AAK=Asleep at Keyboard/Alive And Kicking
AAP=Always A Pleasure
ABT2=About To
ADAD=Another Day, Another Dollar
ADIH=Another Day In Hell
ADIP=Another Day In Paradise
ADN=Any Day Now
AFC=Away From Computer
AFK=Away From Keyboard
AH=At Home
AKA=Also Known As
ALOL=Actually Laughing Out Loud
AMBW=All My Best Wishes
AML=All My Love
AMOF=As a Matter Of Fact
AOTA=All Of The Above
ASAP=As Soon As Possible
ATM=At The Moment/ Addicted to Mara Club
AYOR=At Your Own Risk
AYS=Are You Serious?
AYT=Are You There?
B2W=Back To Work
B4N=Bye For Now
BO=Best Offer
BRB=Be Right Back
CBA=Can't Be Asked
CN=Character Name
CRN=Common Real name
CRW=Common Real Word
GTG-Got To Go
GTGFN=Got To Go For Now
ISO-In Search Of
NFT=Not For Trade
NTY=No Thank You
OBO=Or Best Offer
PC=Price Check
RL=Real Life
RN=Real Name
RW=Real World
TTYL=Talk To You Later
TBH=To Be Honest
UFA=UP FOR Adoption
UFT=Up For Trade

--->Aquarius Chest Wardrobe Previews & More<---
6 years, 7 months & 28 days ago
24th Jan 2018 18:35



Released:February 22nd 2015/January 19th 2018

More TC Previews at the link below


The above items are Non Wardrobe items
[Kumbha (Minipet)] [Aquarius Water (GF)] [Aquarius Book (Book)]

These are the 2 Avatars you get with the Chest.
[img][/img] [img][/img]

---Avatar Solutions---
Aquarius-Open an Aquarius Treasure Chest.

Kumbha-Make a Plate of the Minipet Kumbha.

This is a Selfie with Just Aquarius items you can get in this chest

---Checklist of Aquarius items (22 Items)---
Aquarius Book
Aquarius Bubbles
Aquarius Contact Lenses
Aquarius Jacket
Aquarius Jewellery Set
Aquarius Overcoat
Aquarius Pant
Aquarius Sash
Aquarius Scale Tattoo
Aquarius Sea Ears
Aquarius Shirt
Aquarius Skirt
Aquarius Tail
Aquarius Tattoo
Aquarius Water
Aquarius Wig
Aquarius Wrist Jewellery
Scale Top
Sea Star Hair Clip
Water Splash
Water Top

Here is a preview of ALL Aquarius Wardrobe items

---Aquarius Bubbles---
---Aquarius Contact Lenses---
---Aquarius Jacket---
--Aquarius Jewellery Set---
---Aquarius Overcoat---
---Aquarius Pants---
---Aquarius Sash---
---Aquarius Scale Tattoo---
---Aquarius Sea Ears---
---Aquarius Shirt---
---Aquarius Skirt---
---Aquarius Tail---
---Aquarius Tattoo (Shoulder)---
---Aquarius Wig---
---Aquarius Wrist Jewellery---
---Scale Top---
---Sea Star Hair Clip---
---Water Splash---
---Water Top---

  1. Vault Code:Book of Socks
    25th May 2018 12:00
    6 years, 3 months & 28 days ago
  2. Ugly Contest:Cold Feet
    24th May 2018 02:10
    6 years, 3 months & 30 days ago
  3. Beauty Contest:I Hear The Bells
    22nd May 2018 15:59
    6 years & 4 months ago
  4. --->Gemini TC Wardrobe Preview & More<---
    21st May 2018 16:12
    6 years, 4 months & 1 day ago
  5. Lottery Winner 5/20/2018
    20th May 2018 00:20
    6 years, 4 months & 3 days ago
  6. --->May 2018 Doll Challenges<---
    19th May 2018 15:56
    6 years, 4 months & 3 days ago
  7. Sewer Cleaner Mission:Gold Trophy
    17th May 2018 13:04
    6 years, 4 months & 5 days ago
  8. Ugly Contest:Underworld
    17th May 2018 00:51
    6 years, 4 months & 6 days ago
  9. Temple of Tableaus x30
    16th May 2018 12:05
    6 years, 4 months & 6 days ago
  10. Beauty Contest:Overworld
    15th May 2018 02:45
    6 years, 4 months & 8 days ago